Monday, February 05, 2007

Roll with the changes (a chat log)


[11:27] gilae: ogilvie for christs sake
[11:27] lakota: oh
[11:27] lakota: well you said northwest
[11:27] lakota: that confooosed me
[11:27] gilae: that's what it used to be called
[11:27] gilae: and a lot of people still call it that
[11:27] lakota: pfft
[11:27] gilae: omg are you from chicago or wtf
[11:27] lakota: lol
[11:27] lakota: i change with the times
[11:27] lakota: i dont hold on to old names!
[11:28] lakota: if they started calling it the ass tower instead of the sears tower
[11:28] lakota: you damn right ill be sayin lets go to the ass tower
[11:28] gilae: lol