Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rubbing my rabbit's foot.. wait that's not a rabbit?!

So the above picture kind of describes daily life cept it leaves out the part where I actually make efforts to see my girlfriend and friends whenever possible as well. Couple of things.

First, it's a Happy Birthday to Deb Flynn aka Keely's Mom. Having known Keely for uh.. 14+ years I've been hearing about her Mom for a long time :) All good things of course!

Second. I've gotten over the latest strain of ebola that hit me this past week. Still in recovery but I am no longer feeling like the Outbreak Monkey again.

Third. I had an interview at work for another position yesterday. I got all dressed up, put on a tie and all that, got to work and the manager of said group I'm interviewing for was like.. you know this is a phone interview right? .. Awesome.. video conference please? Jeez way to steal my thunder, guy.

Other than that.. so much the same so much to do.

- Nat