Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Destiny and Fate?

Being an Aquarius, I can't say I'm totally surprised with the results of this.
From Intrinsecus:

Take this test


Check here for a better description of your results



My results:


Intrinsecus is borderline ENTJ and ENTP. Crap. That means I have to go get him a latte if he asks me for one. Boooooooo hehe

ISTJ - The Duty Fulfillers
ESTJ - The Guardians
ISFJ - The Nurturers
ESFJ - The Caregivers
ISTP - The Mechanics
ESTP - The Doers
ESFP - The Performers
ISFP - The Artists
ENTJ - The Executives
INTJ - The Scientists
ENTP - The Visionaries
INTP - The Thinkers
ENFJ - The Givers
INFJ - The Protectors
ENFP - The Inspirers
INFP - The Idealists

Sigh. Awesome.


Call Me Joan said...

INTJ. Freaky.


Anonymous said...

Hey you.
Awfully scarce lately. I miss ya, darlin'! Sending you something but I need your addy, so log on and give it to me ;)

Luvs ya,