From Donovan's blog. Interesting questions.
Name: Dhavid
Piercings: Three. Mid left ear.
Tattoos: None yet, want one on the back of my lower neck / upper back area.
Height: 5'7"
Shoe size: 12 or 13
Hair color: Black
Sibling(s): One sister, 4 adopted brothers.
You have a crush on someone: Yes
You wish you could live somewhere else: Yes. Australia
You think about suicide: Yes, but on an phillosophical / intellectual level. I wouldn't do it.
You want more piercings: If I didnt have to be corporate, I'd get my eyebrow pierced.
You like cleaning: No. But I hate scummy things more.
You like roller coasters: I like the speed. I don't like the height.
Write in cursive or print: I print everything. My writing sucks. I type fast.
Long distance relationships: Yes. Depends.
Killing people: Only in self defense or the defense of innocent lives.
Suicide: Against
Teenage smoking: Against but not hardcore against. Teenagers do that kind of stuff.
Driving drunk: Against. No. Just. No.
Gay/Lesbians: For. Anyone who judges you on your sexual preference should pour some baby powder on their hands, then slap themselves.
Soap Opreas: Against... though some of the things I watch could be considerd soap operas. None of that Days of Our Lives crap though.
Ever cried over a girl: Yes
Ever cried over a boy: No
Ever been in a fight: Yes
Ever been arrested: No er Yes.. er.. do juvenile records count? And when you say arrested does riding in the back of a squad car count as arrested if you aren't in handcuffs? ... I plead the fif.. F-I-F.. 5th.
Shampoo do you use: American Crew
Shoes do you wear: Sketchers, Nikes, Sandals.
Are you scared of death: At times yes, but more scared of the thought of not being around to be there for people.
Of times you have been in love: Puppy love? More than a couple. What I thought was real? More often than not. Unrequited? Once or twice
Of time you have had your heart broken: It's always been broken.
Of hearts I have broken: One?
Of girls you've kissed: 15 or less I think
Of girls you've slept with: 7. Though looking back some of the 7 I'm just like.. the hell was I thinking.
Of guys you've kissed: Zero
Of guys you've slept with: Zero
Of people you would classify as true, could trust your life with type of friend: 10? or maybe I'm to trusting.
Of scars on your soul: More than a couple.
Of scars on your body: See previous answer. Most distingushing scar, left arm near the wrist.
Of things in your past that you regret: School. Relationships. Jobs. Decisions in general that I've made.
4 letter word: home
Actor/Actress: Tallulah
Cartoon: I watch anime like it's my job. Raxhephon, Lodoss Wars, Evangelion, Gundam Seed, Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, are some of my favs.
Cereal: Cinnamon Life
Chewing gum: Orbit. The light blue one.
Color(s): Sony blue. Silver. Black.
Nail polish: Black or Silver. Not that I wear nail polish on a daily basis...
Day of week: Sunday.
Flower: Sakura (Cherry Blossom), Orchids, Recently Tulips have made the list.
Jello flavor: Is 'Red' a flavor?
Jewelry: Black and Silver Bracelet, Black and Silver Kenneth Cole watch, three silver earrings. Not sure where the rest of my stuff went.
Fall/Spring: Fall
Trampolines or swimming pools: Swimming pool
Slept in your bed: Me and Haruka
Saw you cry: I don't remember the last time I cried. Probably Joan
Made you cry: I can't answer that
Yelled at you: Huh... yes.
Said "I love you" and meant it: Yes
Gone out in public in your pajamas: Under my jeans or as my tshirt sure
Kept a secret from everyone: Yes
At anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: No
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: No. Thats what Tivo's for.
Been on stage: You could say that
Been to New York: Sigh. Not yet.
California: Yes
Hawaii: No
China: No
Canada: Yes
Europe: No
Asia: Yes
Australia: Sadly No
South America: No
Puerto Rico: No
Wished your were the opposite sex: No
What time is it now: 5:24p.m.(Central)
Apples or bananas: b-a-n a-n-a-s.
Walmart or Target: Target
What are you gonna do after you finish this: Going to a Cubs Game
Are you bored: No, just sleepy.
Last noise you heard: Other people talking and the mp3s playing on my laptop.
Monday, May 09, 2005
Island In The Sun
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
5/09/2005 04:40:00 PM
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