First off. No links in this post. Sorry. I'm tired.
I think contrary to the phrase of hit the ground running, when Haruka and I got back from California on Monday, I've "hit the ground while dragging my knees until they're bloody".
The trip itself was good. E3 was great. Lots of pretty flashing lights, video games, and half nekkid women dressed up like video game characters or like strippers who couldn't get a job at the local Hooters. Universal studios was good but trying to fit everything into one day just isn't possible so sadly we missed a couple of things. I have to say 'The Mummy' ride was pretty freaking awesome. First you sit down and you're just like la la la twiddle twiddle then all of the sudden ZOOM ZOOM! It's like someone hit the Nitro button and you just launch. After some twists and turns you stop.. wait for it.. then zoom zoom again but backwards! The end of the ride is straight outta Batman. The floor rotates and turns your cart in a 180 and you go back to the start to unload. Nice. Chinatown and Little Tokyo was great. Little Tokyo had a store that was full of anime type o stuff. Oddly I didn't buy anything. Chinatown was hilarious, there was a cart with stuff on it and the lady working it was not Chinese but Thai. So me trying to take advantage of this asked how much some stuff was in Thai.. her response was like normally its this much.. but since you're Thai HALF OFF! Woot! Taking advantage of your culture and heritage that you had absolutely no part of choosing is awesome. We also stopped in Santa Monica before going to the airport.. it was nice.. the ocean.. waves.. and I dunno why but alot of baby squirrels running around.. it was like Watership Down.. but with squirrels instead??
Getting back was a joy. We missed our scheduled flight at 6pm which would have gotten us back to Chicago around midnight. Instead we were lucky to hop on the red eye flight back. Land in Chicago around 5 something, get back home around 6 something, pass out for an hour or two (longer than I should have), then went to work. Since then everything's been a blur.
Work is killng me. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Work is killing me. Last night I helped Tallulah move some stuff to her new apartment. It looks nice. It's sad, I think her place is almost bigger than mine if not and shes paying waaaaay less than I am. Boy I can't wait till my lease is up in August... After helping her move stuff, Panda Thug and Donovan called to say they were heading over. So we all met up and went to Chinatown for dinner around 10 or 11 something. Awesome. PT needed a ride to the airport this morning. Wouldn't you know he was on the 6am flight. Good job. /slap. After dropping him off I came straight to work. So I was sitting at my desk at 5:45am and started plugging away. Having deadlines is good and bad. Good when you meet them, bad when you feel like you're working more than you're sleeping.
What the hell I'm running on empty, after all that stuff last night / this morning I ended up with an hour of sleep. I need to just start an IV of redbull... just stick it in my veins! Meh. I'll write more when I get a minute and am a lil more coherent.
- D -
PS. When a girl speaks another language it's pretty great. I'm the kind of guy that can sit there while being cursed at in a foreign language that would smile and nod as long as whatever was being said was said in a nice tone with a smile... aka I'm a sucker.
Veni Vidi Vici - Alizee
Un zeste de félicité
Un tempérament qui fait rire
Parce que tout peut bien arriver,
Le temps nous dit c'est plus facile
Si on met:
Un zeste de citron dans l'eau
Changer de goût sans changer l'hydre
La vie est belle pimentée, corsée
La vie qui pique
Qui pousse comme un champs de blé
Veni, Vedi, Vici
C'est de la chance aussi
Tout petit à petit
L'oiseau qui fait son nid, douillet
Veni, Vedi, Vici
Ma bonne étoile luit, je n'ai
Pas de mea culpa
J'suis bien là et j'aime ça
Un zeste de féminité
Sur un corps-puce de gamine
Les langues sont facilitées, juré
Le latin je l'aime en chemise,
Un zeste de balbutiements
Quand je me dis: tout va trop vite
C'est là que veillent les mamans, j'entends
Au loin les cloches de la ville,
Vive le vent….
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
I came. I saw. I went to sleep.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
5/25/2005 09:15:00 AM
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