Huh.. long weekend, that was nice. Short work week, that's nice. Have to go to my boss's wedding this coming weekend in Indiana. I should probably make a hotel reservation or something ^_^
I can think of absolutely nothing interesting to post right now. I need to clean and do laundry tonight. Yes. Bought a game over the weekend and beat it in like 5 hours. That was both satisfying and sad at the same time.
Sometime in the next couple of weeks I should be in a meeting to discuss if I'm going to get more money at work or not... we'll see how that goes.
I'll post when I can think of something witty and interesting.
- D -
Dream On - Aerosmith
Every time that I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer
The past is gone
It went by like dusk to dawn
Isn't that the way
Everybody's got their dues in life to pay
I know nobody knows
Where it comes and where it goes
I know it's everybody's sin
You got to lose to know how to win
Half my life's in books' written pages
Live and learn from fools and from sages
You know it's true
All the things come back to you
Sing with me sing for the years
Sing for the laughter and sing for the tears
Sing with me if it's just for today
Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away
Dream on dream on dream on
Dream yourself a dream come true
Dream on dream on dream on
Dream until your dream comes true
Dream on dream on dream on dream on
Dream on dream on dream on yeah
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Nada mucho
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
5/31/2005 12:26:00 PM
Friday, May 27, 2005
I am invincible! Oh wait, I'm not
The word of the day is brought to you by Tallulah.
adj. un·wield·i·er, un·wield·i·est
Difficult to carry or manage because of size, shape, weight, or complexity: an unwieldy parcel.
Here. Let me give you an example.
"Dhavid.. don't carry that papasan chair down the stairs of utter doom and suffering, it's unwieldy".
Hold on.. let me pop some more advil.
Mmmmm advil..
So 1/3 of this project at work that's been beating me like cheap illegal labor was finished at 3:30am last night. Now.. for the rest of it. It makes me sad when people on the same team as me do less work and get paid the same if not more. Let alone fuckers who sit there and play games on Yahoo all day... lucky this isn't a post office!
Plans for the weekend? Meh. Supposed to meet up with some people at Dave and Buster's tomorrow and play some Battletech. Blowing stuff up is always fun. Maybe sleep, that would be awesome. And maybe some WoW.. it's been years since I played last hehe.
Sunday I gotta pick up lil bro from the airport. At some point Haruka and I need to go to Mitsuwa to buy Mr. Konami USA some Japanese alcohol in thanks for getting us into E3 and to try and bribe my way into a job there... yes.
Ok I should do some work and take more drugs.
- D -
No song right now can't find one I want to listen to.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
5/27/2005 10:18:00 AM
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
I came. I saw. I went to sleep.
First off. No links in this post. Sorry. I'm tired.
I think contrary to the phrase of hit the ground running, when Haruka and I got back from California on Monday, I've "hit the ground while dragging my knees until they're bloody".
The trip itself was good. E3 was great. Lots of pretty flashing lights, video games, and half nekkid women dressed up like video game characters or like strippers who couldn't get a job at the local Hooters. Universal studios was good but trying to fit everything into one day just isn't possible so sadly we missed a couple of things. I have to say 'The Mummy' ride was pretty freaking awesome. First you sit down and you're just like la la la twiddle twiddle then all of the sudden ZOOM ZOOM! It's like someone hit the Nitro button and you just launch. After some twists and turns you stop.. wait for it.. then zoom zoom again but backwards! The end of the ride is straight outta Batman. The floor rotates and turns your cart in a 180 and you go back to the start to unload. Nice. Chinatown and Little Tokyo was great. Little Tokyo had a store that was full of anime type o stuff. Oddly I didn't buy anything. Chinatown was hilarious, there was a cart with stuff on it and the lady working it was not Chinese but Thai. So me trying to take advantage of this asked how much some stuff was in Thai.. her response was like normally its this much.. but since you're Thai HALF OFF! Woot! Taking advantage of your culture and heritage that you had absolutely no part of choosing is awesome. We also stopped in Santa Monica before going to the airport.. it was nice.. the ocean.. waves.. and I dunno why but alot of baby squirrels running around.. it was like Watership Down.. but with squirrels instead??
Getting back was a joy. We missed our scheduled flight at 6pm which would have gotten us back to Chicago around midnight. Instead we were lucky to hop on the red eye flight back. Land in Chicago around 5 something, get back home around 6 something, pass out for an hour or two (longer than I should have), then went to work. Since then everything's been a blur.
Work is killng me. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Work is killing me. Last night I helped Tallulah move some stuff to her new apartment. It looks nice. It's sad, I think her place is almost bigger than mine if not and shes paying waaaaay less than I am. Boy I can't wait till my lease is up in August... After helping her move stuff, Panda Thug and Donovan called to say they were heading over. So we all met up and went to Chinatown for dinner around 10 or 11 something. Awesome. PT needed a ride to the airport this morning. Wouldn't you know he was on the 6am flight. Good job. /slap. After dropping him off I came straight to work. So I was sitting at my desk at 5:45am and started plugging away. Having deadlines is good and bad. Good when you meet them, bad when you feel like you're working more than you're sleeping.
What the hell I'm running on empty, after all that stuff last night / this morning I ended up with an hour of sleep. I need to just start an IV of redbull... just stick it in my veins! Meh. I'll write more when I get a minute and am a lil more coherent.
- D -
PS. When a girl speaks another language it's pretty great. I'm the kind of guy that can sit there while being cursed at in a foreign language that would smile and nod as long as whatever was being said was said in a nice tone with a smile... aka I'm a sucker.
Veni Vidi Vici - Alizee
Un zeste de félicité
Un tempérament qui fait rire
Parce que tout peut bien arriver,
Le temps nous dit c'est plus facile
Si on met:
Un zeste de citron dans l'eau
Changer de goût sans changer l'hydre
La vie est belle pimentée, corsée
La vie qui pique
Qui pousse comme un champs de blé
Veni, Vedi, Vici
C'est de la chance aussi
Tout petit à petit
L'oiseau qui fait son nid, douillet
Veni, Vedi, Vici
Ma bonne étoile luit, je n'ai
Pas de mea culpa
J'suis bien là et j'aime ça
Un zeste de féminité
Sur un corps-puce de gamine
Les langues sont facilitées, juré
Le latin je l'aime en chemise,
Un zeste de balbutiements
Quand je me dis: tout va trop vite
C'est là que veillent les mamans, j'entends
Au loin les cloches de la ville,
Vive le vent….
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
5/25/2005 09:15:00 AM
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Cali forn i a
Huh. So looks like Haruka and I are off to Cali. The City of Angels. The home of those raisins that couldn't get on American Idol if the tried.
Anyway, we're going to E3 courtesy of the President of Konami USA.. sweet. Apparently Haruka's mum is friends with the guy and he hooked us up.. and said yeah have Dhavid forward me a copy of his resume (albeit he probably said that in not so perfect English). I'm also going to see a friend of mine who works for Bandai. You'd think between these two I could get a job in the video game industry. So what if I can't program or anything.. let me fix computers or lead projects or or go to meetings all day just so when I got off work I could be like.. yeah.. I work for Konami.. or yeah I work for Bandai, suck it down.
Not really sure how much internet access I'll have while I'm out of town, though I am taking my Nextel and my work laptop with me just in case. And the not so 5 star place we're staying at should have an internet connection for me as well.
So my shoulders have been a bit sore lately so Haruka kept insisting I use this stuff her Dad uses. (that mean I'm old?) The stuff is called Salonpas . It's interesting.. they're these sticky pads that you peel and stick to your skin. Then, it gets really hot. I'm still debating if it makes me less sore, or it just makes me go... what the hell Taaaastes Like Buuuuuurning!
Last weekend I went to see Tallulah in a skit she was in. Sadly for me, it was a part of "Estrogen Fest". I'll admit, there were are few minutes of panic wondering if I was going to have to fend off man hating women with large sharp objects. Fortunately it turned out to be not that kind of show. I feel empowered now... or something.
Time to go home, clean, do more work, pack and hopefully take a nap.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
5/17/2005 04:44:00 PM
Stalk Stalk Stalk
I love how people play this song at weddings and such.
It's not romantic. It's not sappy. It's about a freaking
Stalker damn you.
Every Breath You Take - The Police
Every breath you take
And every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take
I’ll be watching you
Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay
I’ll be watching you
Oh, can’t you see
You belong to me?
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake, every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you
Since you’ve gone I’ve been lost without a trace
I dream at night, I can only see your face
I look around, but it’s you I can’t replace
I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please,
Oh, can’t you see
You belong to me?
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake, every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you
Every move you make, every step you take
I’ll be watching you
I’ll be watching you
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
5/17/2005 04:41:00 PM
Monday, May 09, 2005
Island In The Sun
From Donovan's blog. Interesting questions.
Name: Dhavid
Piercings: Three. Mid left ear.
Tattoos: None yet, want one on the back of my lower neck / upper back area.
Height: 5'7"
Shoe size: 12 or 13
Hair color: Black
Sibling(s): One sister, 4 adopted brothers.
You have a crush on someone: Yes
You wish you could live somewhere else: Yes. Australia
You think about suicide: Yes, but on an phillosophical / intellectual level. I wouldn't do it.
You want more piercings: If I didnt have to be corporate, I'd get my eyebrow pierced.
You like cleaning: No. But I hate scummy things more.
You like roller coasters: I like the speed. I don't like the height.
Write in cursive or print: I print everything. My writing sucks. I type fast.
Long distance relationships: Yes. Depends.
Killing people: Only in self defense or the defense of innocent lives.
Suicide: Against
Teenage smoking: Against but not hardcore against. Teenagers do that kind of stuff.
Driving drunk: Against. No. Just. No.
Gay/Lesbians: For. Anyone who judges you on your sexual preference should pour some baby powder on their hands, then slap themselves.
Soap Opreas: Against... though some of the things I watch could be considerd soap operas. None of that Days of Our Lives crap though.
Ever cried over a girl: Yes
Ever cried over a boy: No
Ever been in a fight: Yes
Ever been arrested: No er Yes.. er.. do juvenile records count? And when you say arrested does riding in the back of a squad car count as arrested if you aren't in handcuffs? ... I plead the fif.. F-I-F.. 5th.
Shampoo do you use: American Crew
Shoes do you wear: Sketchers, Nikes, Sandals.
Are you scared of death: At times yes, but more scared of the thought of not being around to be there for people.
Of times you have been in love: Puppy love? More than a couple. What I thought was real? More often than not. Unrequited? Once or twice
Of time you have had your heart broken: It's always been broken.
Of hearts I have broken: One?
Of girls you've kissed: 15 or less I think
Of girls you've slept with: 7. Though looking back some of the 7 I'm just like.. the hell was I thinking.
Of guys you've kissed: Zero
Of guys you've slept with: Zero
Of people you would classify as true, could trust your life with type of friend: 10? or maybe I'm to trusting.
Of scars on your soul: More than a couple.
Of scars on your body: See previous answer. Most distingushing scar, left arm near the wrist.
Of things in your past that you regret: School. Relationships. Jobs. Decisions in general that I've made.
4 letter word: home
Actor/Actress: Tallulah
Cartoon: I watch anime like it's my job. Raxhephon, Lodoss Wars, Evangelion, Gundam Seed, Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, are some of my favs.
Cereal: Cinnamon Life
Chewing gum: Orbit. The light blue one.
Color(s): Sony blue. Silver. Black.
Nail polish: Black or Silver. Not that I wear nail polish on a daily basis...
Day of week: Sunday.
Flower: Sakura (Cherry Blossom), Orchids, Recently Tulips have made the list.
Jello flavor: Is 'Red' a flavor?
Jewelry: Black and Silver Bracelet, Black and Silver Kenneth Cole watch, three silver earrings. Not sure where the rest of my stuff went.
Fall/Spring: Fall
Trampolines or swimming pools: Swimming pool
Slept in your bed: Me and Haruka
Saw you cry: I don't remember the last time I cried. Probably Joan
Made you cry: I can't answer that
Yelled at you: Huh... yes.
Said "I love you" and meant it: Yes
Gone out in public in your pajamas: Under my jeans or as my tshirt sure
Kept a secret from everyone: Yes
At anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: No
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: No. Thats what Tivo's for.
Been on stage: You could say that
Been to New York: Sigh. Not yet.
California: Yes
Hawaii: No
China: No
Canada: Yes
Europe: No
Asia: Yes
Australia: Sadly No
South America: No
Puerto Rico: No
Wished your were the opposite sex: No
What time is it now: 5:24p.m.(Central)
Apples or bananas: b-a-n a-n-a-s.
Walmart or Target: Target
What are you gonna do after you finish this: Going to a Cubs Game
Are you bored: No, just sleepy.
Last noise you heard: Other people talking and the mp3s playing on my laptop.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
5/09/2005 04:40:00 PM
Friday, May 06, 2005
Um. What?
Your brain: 160% interpersonal, 100% visual, 60% verbal, and 80% mathematical!
Congratulations on being 400% smart! Actually, on my test, everyone is. The above score breaks down what kind of thinking you most enjoy doing. A score above 100% means you use that kind of thinking more than average, and a score below 100% means you use it less. It says nothing about how good you are at any one, just how interested you are in each, relatively. A substantial difference in scores between two people means, conclusively, that they are different kinds of thinkers.
Matching Summary: Each of us has different tastes. Still, I offer the following advice, which I think is obvious:
Don't date someone if your interpersonal percentages differ by more than 80%.
Don't be friends with someone if your verbal percentages differ by more than 100%.
Don't have sex with someone if their math percentage is over 200%.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 97% on interpersonal
You scored higher than 73% on visual
You scored higher than 65% on verbal
You scored higher than 63% on mathematical
Someone else go take this test. It confuses me.
The 4-Variable IQ Test
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
5/06/2005 02:53:00 PM
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Danger! Danger Will Robinson!
From my desk at work I can see into my manager's office. He has this life size color cardboard cut out of Robot from the original TV series Lost in Space. It's really amusing to me, probably because I grew up watching all the campy cheesy sci fi shows as a kid.
Family Guy is back on the air haha. I thought it was great the first two minutes how Peter just went through a list of all the shows that Fox cancelled. It's basically a passive Fuck You! One of the greatest ways to insult someone to me, is to insult them with a smile without them even knowing it. Kind of like when you get the jackass person on the phone that doesn't know what they're doing and you say "I'm sorry, you must be new." Hehe.
This guy at work the other day was like, I'm going to give you some advice. Just the thought of him giving me any legitimate advice based on anything other than personal experience or the experience of someone in a rap video amused me... but anyway, he says to me.. If it's not obtainable, make sure it's maintainable. I just kinda smirked and was like... well ok then.
I'm trying to get over this being sick thing right now since it's finally starting to warm up outside.
Damn. I'm tired.
Offspring - What Happened to You
I can draw a little picture
Or even use my hands
I try to explain but you just don't understand
Man you're really losin' it
And you've really done a lot of junk now
But you keep on abusin' it
What in the world happened to you
It's bad enough you do it to yourself
But taking someone with you
Well you know that's something else
I say I'm not that kind of person
I'm not that kind of man
I try to explain but you just don't understand
I might be sympathetic or cut a little slack
If I thought that you were willing to give a little back
But you do it in the morning
You do it in the night
You lie to refrain from just facing your life
So I'll see you tomorrow
You'll be gackin' up again
I'll see you in a coffin by the time your wad is spent
I think of all the times that I tried to lend a hand
I try to explain but you just don't understand
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
5/04/2005 04:04:00 PM