So it's been a looooong time since I've posted. My bad for that but work work work and more work. I thought it was supposed to be Work Hard and Play Hard. Not Work Hard and play when you aren't feeling guilty for doing so.. doh!
Let's see what's been going on since last..
Props to Donovan and Kayla. *sniff* He makes me so proud =)
I'm talking to my sister again after a couple years hiatus.. that's going pretty well.
I have absolutely nothing witty or interesting to talk about this late in the day after wrecking my brain on boring IT Corporate stuff so I'll just jump on the bandwagon and fill this out. I blame Tallulah and Donovan.. and Rachy.. yes.
A - Age you got your first kiss: Uhh..this question makes me feel old. 14 or 15
B - Band listening to right now: Right now its quiet.. it's kind of nice.
C - Crush: I feel I don't need to answer this question.
D - Dad's name: Assh.. er.. Nunthavit
E - Easiest person to talk to: Strangers that don't know you or have any preconcieved opinions of you.
F - Favorite bands at the moment: Varies on my mood. Linkin Park/Stabbing Westward. Dido. Random techno / ravey music
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: I like those gummy strawberries more myself.
H - Hometown: I get to claim Hillside AND Chicago
I - Instruments: I'd like to learn piano and clarinent. Currently the only instrument I can play well is an X-Box controller.
J- Junior High: Saint Domitilla
K - Kids: None... that I know of! dun dun dun....
L - Longest car ride ever: Driving to Scranton, PA.. ohmigod I can't believe I didn't die in a fiery car crash any of the times I made that drive.
M - Mom's name: Viparwon
N - Nicknames: Chino (my sis calls me that). Don't really have any other nicknames that I acknowledge. People tend to call me Matt because THEY'RE STUPID...
P - Phobia[s]: Failing and disappointing certain people.
Q - Quote: "What the hell?"
R - Reason to smile: The thought of running away to Australia with someone
S - Song you sang last: Finger Eleven - One Thing
T - Time you woke up [today]: 8 something a.m. Good job snooze button.
U - Unknown fact about me: I feel people who read this would already know me well enough.
V - Vegetable you hate: George Bush.
W - Worst habit(s): I spend money like its going out of style because I just don't care sometimes and feel life should be enjoyed and what else is money for if not to be spent.
X - X-rays you've had: Chest, shoulder, arm, uhhh head
Y - Yummy food: Sushi from Hey Sushi! , Beef Chow Fun from Chinatown, Pizza from Gino's and who can forget... Hot Pigga!
Z - Zodiac sign: Aquarius.. freakin water bearers.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
From the top to the bottom
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
4/05/2005 06:20:00 PM
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