So not a whole lot's been going on. Back into the rhythm of work work work, sometimes sleep, and seeing my friends and family when I can, not to mention wanting to spend more time with Rachael.
I've been a bit.. perturbed lately. Here's the deal. I'm getting hated on by one of Rachael's cousins. Girl. 22 ish? 2 kids. Not married. Her man works at a bowling alley. Now.. having not met her cousin's boyfriend, I'm not going to judge the guy. That however does not apply to her cousin judging me. Apparently this wonderful waste of human skin, says I'm to old for Rachael which automatically means I'm no good. Nevermind the fact that I'm good to her and would do just about anything for her... the difference in age is obviously more important. Then the questions of.. what kind of car does he drive where does he live blah blah blah come up. So she says to Rachael I have a girl's car. Ok. So.. it's a 2001 Eclipse. I'm sure the 2k sound system and the 2k rims I had (previous to the $500 rims :/ ) don't count as it's still a girl car. And the fact that the Eclipse was bought with insurance money I had gotten after my 96 Prelude (which was definitely not a 'girl car') was killed by a semi, has no bearing. Then she goes on to rag on me because I'm currently living at my sister's house after having been laid off from my rediculously paying job in the city and I moved out of the 2 bedroom apartment in a posh area that I paid the rent for saying crap like.. he's living with his sister? What is he waiting for? WHAT? What am I waiting for? Man. I've been living on my own since I was 18. Who does this chick think she is saying some stupid crap like that? If it weren't for the fact that I have to ... recover my financial standing after two years of kicking my savings account's ass not to mention my credit then yeah, I *would* be back in my own place. Because you know.. I REALLY like having my few material posessions in this world locked up in a storage unit that I have to PAY for every month. Makes me angry. Makes me want to insert my foot into someplace uncomfortable involving Rachael's cousin.
But whatever.. hey.. I'm older remember? Which means I have more patience and restraint.. I'm more mature.. I have more class and more courtesy than say some punk loser thug wanna be in their teens or twenties. So. I'll let this slide for now. But everyone has a limit.
On the opposite end of the spectrum of being angry enough to punch a wall, work has been slow today and I was watching a rediculous anime on Crunchyroll about.. a kitten.. and what goes through the mind of a kitten as it's adopted by a family. It's called Chi's Sweet Home.
Oh my phone's ringing.. write more later. Hope everyone else is well.
- Nat
Saturday, September 27, 2008
If I had claws, I'd be Wolverine.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/27/2008 09:14:00 PM
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Fill in the _______
I'm sitting at work right now and was all hyped up to post something.. and by the time I finally get around to it.. BAM.. totally forgot anything of worth I had wanted to say. Awesome.
Yesterday I was at the doctor's office to get some checkups done and as I'm sitting there.. a tall leggy woman in a doctor's coat walks up to me. HA. And she says she's working with a program to study genes and wanted to know if I wanted to participate and would be willing to donate a sample of my DNA. Blink. So in my mind.. I'm just like.. wait what? Then of course.. wait what KIND of sample? Apparently she had her genes modified to allow her to read mines as she promptly added it would be a sample of my blood she'd need. Oh! Well.. sure in that case. So she has me fill out some forms. Now.. whomever wrote these forms should really rethink how it's worded as they ask for not ya know a little or just a couple of drops but specifically "a tablespoon of blood". Um.. yeah that doesn't exactly spawn pleasant images. Nom nom nom!
Hmm.. nope.. still can't remember what I wanted to write about.. oh oh now I remember!
Dude.. If the world ends tomorrow I'll be calling in sick on Thursday. I've been following that whole thing and though the "probability" is low anything would happen.. man.. I hope at least something "fun" would happen vs a black hole forming and us imploding (with a whistling sound). Like.. at least tear open a hole to another dimension and have hot amazons trying to enslave the human race or big giant robots fighting a war with one another... yeah.. I haven't watched any good sci-fi in awhile.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/09/2008 05:21:00 PM
Friday, September 05, 2008
I know.. I know.
I know I don't blog on a daily basis. Normally it's the last thing that's on my mind. It's not that I don't care if anyone reads this or not, but I think its because most of the time I have a blog going on in my head and it's constantly being edited while I'm adding comments and replying to myself constantly which hinders my ability to actually produce anything on here.
Prom 2008 was a success and last weekend was a whirlwind of different things pre and post Saturday. Labor Day wouldn't have been complete without a BBQ so Rei and I with T along with some friends scouted for a place to setup camp. After several failed attempts we ended up and a great spot and just enjoyed the day.
I think that we don't do that enough. Take time to just chill. Today it rained... all day. I had to grin as I got to take my jacket out of seasonal retirement and wear it around. This was because 1. It was wet out 2. It was cold. 3. My girlfriend likes to lose umbrellas and I gave her mine.
I'm trying to think about.. where do I want to be a couple years from now? Where in the sense of.. well.. everything, not just physical location. I'm tired.. it's almost 5am and I have to work from 3pm to 4am today.. I should sleep. Anyway, I've had this song looping but the video I picked to comment on Rei's myspace was cute enough to make a diabetic go into shock.
Ciao for now.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/05/2008 04:50:00 AM