Wow.. so today's the first day I've had time to stop and collect my thoughts after working 54 hours since Tuesday at the latest security gig. Sadly it's not an armed gig so I don't get paid as much but eventhough the hours are way long in a day I can't complain to much considering I'm hanging out in a college bookstore all day and uhh enjoying the sights. Would be nice if there was more 'action' I suppose but the thing with providing security in any capacity is that you're supposed to be ready to spring into action but ideally the hope is you won't need to do anything much besides nod and smile at people.
Should hear back bout the IT job next week at least for an interview which is good. Maybe I'll take out my earrings for that since I think Abbott Labs wouldn't be to keen on that and I can't portray myself as a youngin hehe.
Crap.. thinking of that youngin thing.. I was so drained from work this past week I wasn't able to call Koopa for his bday on the 23rd.. my bad man. If there's something I can't stand is failing in this case as a friend. This of course applies to people that consider themselves my friend as well.
Damn.. day off and I still don't even have time to even post a blog.. gotta go get ready.
- Nat
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Scuse me can I check your purse?
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/26/2008 12:13:00 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Old things new
Killing time as I do.. and watched the first episode of the new Macross Frontier series. The series was created to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Macross. Macross is the original Japanese version of a 'cartoon' that alot of US kids would know as Robotech. It's cool to see the changes in technology and animation that can clearly be seen if you watch one after the other. One of the most popular songs from the original series was remade for the closing credits of the new series. It's great to hear if you were a fan.
I dunno why but I really dig songs that do the whole absence of bass and just have singing (regardless of the language). Check out the video at 1:37 and that's what I'm talking about. Awesome.
Hmm starting a week long security gig tomorrow. Shouldn't be to dangerous but whatev. One more week to hear back bout the IT job at Abbott which would be hot. That whole karma thing needs to come back my way some now please? Ok thanks!
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/21/2008 12:11:00 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Jrock eh?
This is the video of the group The Brilliant Green. They're a jp rock group and their song 'Ash Like Snow' is the new opening song of an anime I've been watching (Gundam 00). Though the video's kinda silly I do like the song.
This is how it's used for Gundam 00's opening.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/19/2008 06:47:00 AM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Worst test. ever.
You Belong in San Francisco |
You crave an eclectic, urban environment. You're half California, half NYC. You're open minded, tolerant, and secretly think you're the best. People may dismiss you as a hippie, but you're also progressive, interesting, and rich! |
So the other night I worked a 17 hour straight security gig.. jeebus.. during hour 15 I bout lost it.. coffee never seemed so beautiful.
Still waiting to hear bout the IT job at the same time more security gigs coming up then I'll be applying for a PD.. neat.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/15/2008 01:26:00 AM
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
The word of the day is...
The word of the day is chagrin. It's a great word but outside of hearing it in random things how often can you use this in daily conversation with peple?
cha·grin (shə-grĭn')
n. A keen feeling of mental unease, as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event: To her chagrin, the party ended just as she arrived.
tr.v. cha·grined, cha·grin·ing, cha·grins
To cause to feel chagrin; mortify or discomfit: He was chagrined at the poor sales of his book. See Synonyms at embarrass.
[French, possibly from dialectal French chagraigner, to distress, become gloomy, from Old French graim, sorrowful, gloomy, of Germanic origin.]
Word History: The ultimate etymology of the word chagrin, which comes directly to us from French, is considered uncertain by many etymologists. At one time chagrin was thought to be the same word as shagreen, "a leather or skin with a rough surface," derived from French chagrin. The reasoning was that in French the word for this rough material, which was used to smooth and polish things, was extended to the notion of troubles that fret and annoy a person. It was later decided, however, that the sense "rough leather" and the sense "sorrow" each belonged to a different French word chagrin. Other etymologists have offered an alternative explanation, suggesting that the French word chagrin, "sorrow," is a loan translation of the German word Katzenjammer, "a hangover from drinking." A loan translation is a type of borrowing from another language in which the elements of a foreign word, as in Katzen, "cats," and Jammer, "distress, seediness," are assumed to be translated literally by corresponding elements in another language, in this case, chat, "cat," and grigner, "to grimace." The actual etymology is less colorful, with the word probably going back to a Germanic word, *gramī, meaning "sorrow, trouble." Chagrin is first recorded in English in 1656 in the now obsolete sense "anxiety, melancholy."
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/08/2008 06:19:00 AM
Sunday, January 06, 2008
What's in a name? More than you think!
So my random thought/memory of the day is based on people with unisex names.
Let's take for example the name Nat. Now there's the obvious full male name of Nathan or Nathaniel and the female full name of Natalie or Natalya etc.
Now put those two in a relationship and let the awkwardness begin!
Oh Nat! Oh Nat!
What's my name bitch?! .. Well.. it's the same as mine?
Yeah.. something about dating someone with the same name is just odd.
- Nat (the male one) .. not Nate.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/06/2008 01:42:00 AM
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I want a star to!
Just finished watching the movie Stardust. It came out a little bit ago but one thing or another happened and prevented me from seeing it in the theatre. I have to say.. this movie is actually really good and I'm not just saying that because Claire Danes.. mmm Claire Danes.. is in it. Definitely recommend it =)
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/05/2008 04:05:00 AM
Friday, January 04, 2008
Paint The New Year
Two songs that stood out from the New Year's Rock Band marathon.
Rolling Stones - Paint It Black
Radiohead - Creep
Oh yeah, and I'm finally back home hehe. Now back to this getting employed and going back to school thing.. guh.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/04/2008 04:45:00 AM
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Stating the New Year with a.. pop?
So last night.. rather around 5 or so this morning I was thinking of posting some deep new year's resolutions then eventually I just went to sleep.
Right now my friend's father-in-law is speaking to me as I'm trying to type this so excuse me if it seems kind of random.
My original plan for New Year's was to sleep through it because ya know.. what the f ever. But last night "Elvis's" wife tricked me into coming over which in the long run is a good thing. I've been crashing over here the past couple of nights. Unfortunately before I left my sister's house I didn't turn off my PC so people are sending me mad chats and wondering why I'm not responding.. I'm not being rude yo, I'm just NOT THERE.
Went to a party down the street at Elvis's friend's house which was pretty fun. I finally got to try out this Ciroc Vodka that the Puff endorses haha.. surprisingly it's damn good, I also got reaquainted with my old friend Chivas Regal :)
Someone there brought over his Xbox 360 and the full Rockstar set drums 2 guitars and a mic.. I ROCKED that shiat with my song of the year.. Creep by Radiohead.. Happy New Year indeed. Good times though, met some cool people, had some good food can't complain overall and no regrets for not sticking with my original plan of sleeping through the new year.
I had thought about going home today but got talked into staying for dinner.. so I say okay but let me go get some Diet Coke or whatev.. me n Elvis get in my car and go to a grocery store.. me being me had to pull the ebrake a couple times to take some corners because yes.. with all the snow on the ground, that's how I take corners in my Eclipse. Unfortunately on the corner in front of the grocery store.. what I had thought was a pile of snow turned out to be a curb.. a big curb.. yeah Sophie (my car) got hurt. So I'll be staying here another night now so I can go get some new tires for the car tomorrow and get um this one piece on the car fixed. Oops. I am the Slow and the Furious!
Anyway so the only semi deep thoughts I remember from last night / this morning that I was going to post as far as 'resolutions' go.
Things to do this year;
- Stick with good people. Don't bother associating with dumb asses.
- Don't stress about money. If you're screwed you're screwed but hey.. give it your best.
- Remmeber what you wanted to post and don't post while some dude is talking to you or else you won't be able to write complete sentences and finish a thought in your own head.. doh.
Happy New Year all to you and yours.. hope for the best for everyone.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/01/2008 04:37:00 PM