Wow. Christmas shopping is hard especially when you don't have as high of a budget as you'd like to have. I've been leaning towards a certain 'theme' for buying gifts for people this year at the same time, it's hard because I've sort of set this expectation on myself for certain things for certain people... yeah.
It's cold here. A friend of mine from San Diego asked the other night.. is it snowing there? HA! Ha I say to you who lives in nice weather year round. Miss the snow? Pfft.. you can come shovel the driveway here while I go to the beach there. Deal? Sweet.
Well.. I'm going back to looking up things I can't afford to buy people this year :/
Oh and did you know..
"The "twist" is an important symbol in New Zealand's native Maori culture, and represents the many paths of life and love. Maori culture regards the green jade "twist" as the original eternity symbol, depicting the joining together of two people forever. Though the two may sometimes move away from each other on their own journeys, they always come together again, sharing their lives and blending to become one."
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
That's a nice twist
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
12/09/2008 06:18:00 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Rubbing my rabbit's foot.. wait that's not a rabbit?!
So the above picture kind of describes daily life cept it leaves out the part where I actually make efforts to see my girlfriend and friends whenever possible as well. Couple of things.
First, it's a Happy Birthday to Deb Flynn aka Keely's Mom. Having known Keely for uh.. 14+ years I've been hearing about her Mom for a long time :) All good things of course!
Second. I've gotten over the latest strain of ebola that hit me this past week. Still in recovery but I am no longer feeling like the Outbreak Monkey again.
Third. I had an interview at work for another position yesterday. I got all dressed up, put on a tie and all that, got to work and the manager of said group I'm interviewing for was like.. you know this is a phone interview right? .. Awesome.. video conference please? Jeez way to steal my thunder, guy.
Other than that.. so much the same so much to do.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/22/2008 05:48:00 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I know this, much is true
Have you ever had random songs stuck in your head? I know you have don't lie. So I'm sitting here at work.. trying to multitask between work related stuff and well... not so work related stuff. And in between typing and email and talking on the phone.. I have Spandu Ballet on repeat in my head. It's kind of odd actually. I want to blame this on being a child from the 80s and not impede on my manliness..
Let's see.. where am I at? Last weekend I went wit Rachael on a college tour. It was pretty cool and I'm hoping she does go there but it brings up the question of... where are we going to live? So that's going to come up when it does. In the meantime we have a year or two to decide on that, but we also have to start looking for a place in the near future. The bad part is.. who wants to move in the winter? I mean really. Even if I do get movers to get my stuff out of storage.. that sucks.
Oh.. right big news is that I think I might be totally debt free.. OMG OMG OMG.. it's been a LONG time since I could say that. The bad side is that my credit's kinda jacked up right now but that'll be fixed in time. So here's to saving money for the future and all that stuff.. and maybe randomly going to the casino.. and playing poker with people... but still... yay :)
Kind of sad I'm working tomorrow so no Halloween for me. I could go out after work at 11 something at night but I still have to be back here on Saturday. Tis the life of a contractor. I've heard rumors that I may be converted to a fulltime employe at the end of November but I won't believe it until I hear an offer.
Alright.. I should do some work. I hope everyone is well.. all like 2 people or so who read this blog hehe..
Right, last random note... man.. being on facebook and/or myspace.. it scares me sometimes how random people hit you up and you're like wow.. you're still alive or not in jail? What? You're married with like 5 kids? Yeah... wow.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/30/2008 05:36:00 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sometimes it's better not to know.
There are times that work is slow. (The IT job). During this time.. I'll gaff off, maybe read a book, watch stuff on hulu / youtube or play some flash games, maybe just surf the internet in general. The other day I was reasonably bored so I decided to be all nostalgic and decided to cyberstalk.. I mean, look up people I used to know. One person I looked up in general I learned died in 2000. I was a bit disturbed by this and find that days later I'm still wanting to know what happened. What good can it do to find out 8 years later? Absolutely nothing.. and I know this. And it's not like we parted on good terms since I knew her back in what.. High School? But still.. on some level it saddens me. Sometimes the need to know is best left alone I think.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/10/2008 04:48:00 PM
Saturday, September 27, 2008
If I had claws, I'd be Wolverine.
So not a whole lot's been going on. Back into the rhythm of work work work, sometimes sleep, and seeing my friends and family when I can, not to mention wanting to spend more time with Rachael.
I've been a bit.. perturbed lately. Here's the deal. I'm getting hated on by one of Rachael's cousins. Girl. 22 ish? 2 kids. Not married. Her man works at a bowling alley. Now.. having not met her cousin's boyfriend, I'm not going to judge the guy. That however does not apply to her cousin judging me. Apparently this wonderful waste of human skin, says I'm to old for Rachael which automatically means I'm no good. Nevermind the fact that I'm good to her and would do just about anything for her... the difference in age is obviously more important. Then the questions of.. what kind of car does he drive where does he live blah blah blah come up. So she says to Rachael I have a girl's car. Ok. So.. it's a 2001 Eclipse. I'm sure the 2k sound system and the 2k rims I had (previous to the $500 rims :/ ) don't count as it's still a girl car. And the fact that the Eclipse was bought with insurance money I had gotten after my 96 Prelude (which was definitely not a 'girl car') was killed by a semi, has no bearing. Then she goes on to rag on me because I'm currently living at my sister's house after having been laid off from my rediculously paying job in the city and I moved out of the 2 bedroom apartment in a posh area that I paid the rent for saying crap like.. he's living with his sister? What is he waiting for? WHAT? What am I waiting for? Man. I've been living on my own since I was 18. Who does this chick think she is saying some stupid crap like that? If it weren't for the fact that I have to ... recover my financial standing after two years of kicking my savings account's ass not to mention my credit then yeah, I *would* be back in my own place. Because you know.. I REALLY like having my few material posessions in this world locked up in a storage unit that I have to PAY for every month. Makes me angry. Makes me want to insert my foot into someplace uncomfortable involving Rachael's cousin.
But whatever.. hey.. I'm older remember? Which means I have more patience and restraint.. I'm more mature.. I have more class and more courtesy than say some punk loser thug wanna be in their teens or twenties. So. I'll let this slide for now. But everyone has a limit.
On the opposite end of the spectrum of being angry enough to punch a wall, work has been slow today and I was watching a rediculous anime on Crunchyroll about.. a kitten.. and what goes through the mind of a kitten as it's adopted by a family. It's called Chi's Sweet Home.
Oh my phone's ringing.. write more later. Hope everyone else is well.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/27/2008 09:14:00 PM
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Fill in the _______
I'm sitting at work right now and was all hyped up to post something.. and by the time I finally get around to it.. BAM.. totally forgot anything of worth I had wanted to say. Awesome.
Yesterday I was at the doctor's office to get some checkups done and as I'm sitting there.. a tall leggy woman in a doctor's coat walks up to me. HA. And she says she's working with a program to study genes and wanted to know if I wanted to participate and would be willing to donate a sample of my DNA. Blink. So in my mind.. I'm just like.. wait what? Then of course.. wait what KIND of sample? Apparently she had her genes modified to allow her to read mines as she promptly added it would be a sample of my blood she'd need. Oh! Well.. sure in that case. So she has me fill out some forms. Now.. whomever wrote these forms should really rethink how it's worded as they ask for not ya know a little or just a couple of drops but specifically "a tablespoon of blood". Um.. yeah that doesn't exactly spawn pleasant images. Nom nom nom!
Hmm.. nope.. still can't remember what I wanted to write about.. oh oh now I remember!
Dude.. If the world ends tomorrow I'll be calling in sick on Thursday. I've been following that whole thing and though the "probability" is low anything would happen.. man.. I hope at least something "fun" would happen vs a black hole forming and us imploding (with a whistling sound). Like.. at least tear open a hole to another dimension and have hot amazons trying to enslave the human race or big giant robots fighting a war with one another... yeah.. I haven't watched any good sci-fi in awhile.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/09/2008 05:21:00 PM
Friday, September 05, 2008
I know.. I know.
I know I don't blog on a daily basis. Normally it's the last thing that's on my mind. It's not that I don't care if anyone reads this or not, but I think its because most of the time I have a blog going on in my head and it's constantly being edited while I'm adding comments and replying to myself constantly which hinders my ability to actually produce anything on here.
Prom 2008 was a success and last weekend was a whirlwind of different things pre and post Saturday. Labor Day wouldn't have been complete without a BBQ so Rei and I with T along with some friends scouted for a place to setup camp. After several failed attempts we ended up and a great spot and just enjoyed the day.
I think that we don't do that enough. Take time to just chill. Today it rained... all day. I had to grin as I got to take my jacket out of seasonal retirement and wear it around. This was because 1. It was wet out 2. It was cold. 3. My girlfriend likes to lose umbrellas and I gave her mine.
I'm trying to think about.. where do I want to be a couple years from now? Where in the sense of.. well.. everything, not just physical location. I'm tired.. it's almost 5am and I have to work from 3pm to 4am today.. I should sleep. Anyway, I've had this song looping but the video I picked to comment on Rei's myspace was cute enough to make a diabetic go into shock.
Ciao for now.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/05/2008 04:50:00 AM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
That's Padme?
So my sister had been telling me about this video for awhile since I'm a Natalie Portman fan and I was like what? So I had to check it out. Haha her boyfriend said.. come be in this video and this was the result.
Yeah.. I got nothing to say about that haha.
So yesterday and Sunday were the first real days off I've had in weeks. It was really nice. Got to spend some sorely needed time with Rei and caught up on that whole sleep thing. This Saturday is Prom and I can only hope it lives up to the promises of epic-ness it has been hyped up to be. I'll post details post Saturday and let you know how it went.
Guess saving money will be for next month :P
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/26/2008 09:34:00 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Zoom Zoom?
I think that there's a random curse when it comes to me and cars. Racing, never had any issues. Driving normally? Oh look there's a curb BAM!. When it seems like I have money saved up? BAM! Someone hits my car in a parking lot or something to that effect. Now, when I have a goal and reasons to save up some money.. Sophie (my Eclipse) has decided she's like an old computer running Windows 98 and has decided she wants lots of upgrades. One of the signals of wanting such upgrades is deciding to not light up the right headlight and foglight. Awesome. She's winking. *sigh*.
So this makes me think... is it worth the money to fix whatever's wrong? If I thought deeply.. about the foolish mistakes I've made with purchases let alone self destructive angsty hating life gambling moments, it really does make me want to work out really hard so I can be realllly flexible to basically kick myself in the face. Twice. But well. No use crying over any of that. Have to sit down and assess the situation.
Oddly.. I'm able to write coherently right now because of one of those little bottles of 5hour energy. I have to admit, they work unlike the 2 cans of sugar free red bull I had before that.
My sis finally got back from NYC after being trapped there due to weather.. oh damn I just got off work.. I'll write more later :)
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/11/2008 11:02:00 PM
Thursday, July 31, 2008
So... sleepy
I got nothing. On the upside I do have a few amusing links.
Fail Blog
Yeah.. to much time on my hands that could better be spent sleeping.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
7/31/2008 09:28:00 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Need.. more..
Hmm still looking for a part time job for the hours of 8ish am to 2ish pm during the week for extra money.
Here's an average week for me right now.
Tuesday thru Thursday. Wake up anytime between 11am and 1:30ish pm. If I wake up early, I go see Rei after she gets off work / before I go to work. Then I go to work at 3pm until at least 11pm if not later. I get home. Maybe play some games watch some TV or whatever but usually can't sleep until later. Average lately has been 4 to 5am. Repeat.
Friday is the same as Tue thru Thur except, some days Rei doesn't work Fridays and after 11pm I go to the security thing from 12am to 4am or so. I usually get home around 5ish am. Maybe sleep. Average 6 to 7am.
Saturday I soooomtimes meet up with Rei and T before work, other than that. Same as Fri.
Sunday is an off day. No work at all. Goes between stuff with my sister or Rei and T and friends.
Monday is quality time with just me and the gf so it's nice and peaceful.
So that's the breakdown of my weeks as of late. We'll see how it goes if I can find that part time job.
Sorry to those I haven't been able to reach out to as of late.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
7/22/2008 05:13:00 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
It's interesting...
It's interesting to me that being really happy changes your priorities and outlook on just about.. well.. everything.
I'm sorry a thousand times over to people I've either lost touch with or just have been failing to go hang out with as of late. I'm finally feeling the ground back under my feet and I'm also contently not walking alone.
I was talking with Rei about how people often say "I'm the same person I was back then". If you stop and sit still long enough to really think deep into it, it makes you wonder.. how much have you changed? Sure, your core self may be the same however, different experiences influence the person that we become. And of course if it were possible to go back into the past with the knowledge of yourself and life that you know now.. how different could things have been.
On a sci fi note, it's like wondering about the whole cloning thing. Keep this in mind about cloning.
Clone - Noun
a.a cell, cell product, or organism that is genetically identical to the unit or individual from which it was derived.
b.a population of identical units, cells, or individuals that derive from the same ancestral line.
2.a person or thing that duplicates, imitates, or closely resembles another in appearance, function, performance, or style: All the fashion models seemed to be clones of one another.
Current technology allows people to clone what.. pets that have died? Now what if we could clone ourselves or people? Here's the point where I have to wonder how that works. If I clone myself, and it came out as a baby that had to grow up, not just fully grown xerox version, how different would my clone (baby form) be from me since it/he wouldn't have the same experiences I did growing up?
Ok geek moment over. This Wed is Rei's birthday but sadly I have to work. So I took her out Sunday and kinda Monday also. Sunday we got to see Cirque Shanghai at Navy Pier and with the tickets got to do a bunch of other stuff there. It wasn't as epic as I would have wanted, but it was still pretty sweet. Oh and Monday was officially five months. Odd though, it seems like it's been so much longer.. but in a good way. As cheese as it sounds, I have to say sometimes.. life can just full out SMACK you in the face with a pleasant surprise when you least expect it.
Also, I haven't forgotten, Joan's bday is also Wed! I know right? jeez. Two others had birthdays last week, my mom has a birthday at the end of the month. Yall July people just need to calm down and let me get caught up financially k? Thanks.
Wow.. I'm drained.. must sleep. Later for now.. I definitely would like to talk to alot of you I havent had a chance to as of late.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
7/15/2008 02:43:00 AM
Friday, July 04, 2008
Remeber to keep breathing
Getting used to the new schedule, things are still a bit whirlwindy so my bad for not posting much of anything lately. I'll try to get to it Sunday or Monday which are my days off.. for the moment. Jeez.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
7/04/2008 08:54:00 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Side out you Orc !
So today's first day at Discover went extremely well I'm glad to say. I'm part of the Incident Management team of the Business Technology department. That's a mouthful I know but the short description of what I do is, I make sure if something breaks, the right people fix it in the shortest amount of time, while recording all the details, then meeting after a resolution to come up with ways to best avoid the same problem in the future. That's the gist of it anyway. They have alot of stuff planned for down the line as far as things my department wants to take over which is good since I'm getting in on everything early and will be able to help set stuff up. (Calculating). Got my ID and my parking sticker so I'm definitely official now yay!
Couple of other highlights from the day.
The first thing someone asks me was. "Do you play volleyball?" Here's me like.. um.. what? After driving around the multiple parking lots before finally settling on the parking garage I noticed as I was hiking to the building I work in that there was both an outdoor basketball court and a volleyball net with sand and all. Apparently the different departments in the company like to be.. competitive. And I guess my department being mostly on the geeky side fail at that whole hit the ball over the net thing hehe. Much to my trainer's approval I explained that yes, I used to play vball waaaayyyy back in High School (I'm old eh?), because rather than playing basketball with the thuggish dudes, I opted to play some volleyball with the girls. Laugh if you will, but then other guys figured out.. omg.. he's a genius.. next thing you know we had MANY people playing :P
Also there were um... cheerleaders from the AFL (that football league really does exist) and they were onsite handing on free t-shirts to anyone that had a Discover credit card. I'll have you know that if I ever wear that shirt, I won't need to be worried about being shot at while hunting.. unless I go with politicians eh?
The people and the atmosphere there is way cool. It's not ohmigod ohmigod corporate since it's a fair balance between corporate HQ and well.. a college campus minus the doe eyed coeds looking for unisex bathrooms. The cafeteria was even amusing. I think that alone was bigger than my last 3 or 4 apartments put together. They had different stations that served things from Italian, Asian, Indian, Mexican, Salads, a deli and get this.. fresh Sushi.. what the.. wow.. can I live there?
Oh and the other random thing was one of my new coworkers before I left insisted on asking me if I played World of Warcraft and if so what server I play on. Apparently not only have I been drafted to play volleyball but also WoW to. Odd. Teambuilding rocks sometimes?
Ok.. I gotta help people with homework. No really I do. Of course it isn't math homework that would be silly since I'm the anti-asian and prefer writing English papers to solving equations.
I'll still probably continue to do the security gig on the side just for the extra cash. Debts to payoff are still debts and all. That and man.. I have alot of plans that won't pay for themselves. When I start working my normal shift of 3pm to 11:30pm (Tue thru Sat) in a week and a half I won't really have much freetime for anything but at least it's a way to save money. See. I should have gone into investment banking to :)
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
6/19/2008 12:48:00 AM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
It Pays to Discover...
So I know it's been quite some time since I've actually sat down and put some effort into writing anything but that's just the way it goes at times? On the up side, great news! Last week I went on an interview at Discover (the credit card company). The offices or rather should I say.. the compound/campus for Discover is for lack of better words.. intense. The security at the gate and in the main building I was in reminded me of old Indiana Jones villians as they were all blond haired blue eyed and spoke German. The place was so grand, it sported it's own pharmacy. What the hell? A pharmacy next to the deli?? Jeez. So anyway I interviewd with to two fellows who were quite nice actually. At the end of the interview they showed me around and informed me there were 15 people total that were going for the position I was. The next day I get a call from the consulting agency I have to go through for the job and they tell me Discover would like to make an offer. Sweet! I should have played the lottery. 15 to 1 odds works for me!
So I start tomorrow and do some training for a couple of weeks on some odd schedule, then after training when I go to my normal shift I think its something like.. Tuesday thru Saturday 3pm to 11pm. Well.. that doesn't make trying to plan things difficult at all! (not dripping sarcasm). Sigh. But I'm not going to complain. It's about time I got a real job, not counting the armed security stuff I've been doing. It's an odd thing that people will get drunk and do stupid things at a public place especially when there's people standing there with weapons and a badge? Silly people.
So.. with the job only a couple things need to happen until Life Rebooted 2.0 is completed. My life must be running on an older version of Windows.. cuz man it's taking a while to reboot :)
And yes, things are still going very well with Rei and I. Who knew? :)
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
6/17/2008 02:50:00 PM
Saturday, May 03, 2008
I keep on interviewing over and over again
Nat Update?
Hmm.. still interviewing at multiple places.. gonna get a job sooner rather hopefully than later.
Uhhhh.. Rei and I are doing well so that's good. Nothing much else is going on. Just stressing bout the job thing.
Hahaha was thinking about this song the other day so had to find a video that complimented it well.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
5/03/2008 03:24:00 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
A Happy Sadness
For Rei for when I can't see you when I want..
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
4/13/2008 11:03:00 PM
Saturday, April 05, 2008
A dollar for everytime I've been sick
So I'm slowly getting over having the plague once again. Geez.. you'd think I'd have this being sick thing down cold. I felt bad I wasn't able to hang out with a friend of mine who was randomly in town last week because I was sick.. my bad Jodeci, I'll try to make it up to you sometime.. though the only reason you were in town is because you failed to bring your passport to get into Canada hahaha awesome.
Rei's sick to.. yeah probably my fault but hey, Lil T started it sooo I guess we're even ha!
It's unreal that I can't find a job to save my life right now. I'm debating knocking off some quickie marts, but I don't see a long career in that and I hear the benefits package for that is terrible. Lame.
Going paintballing (random) with some former and current EOP peeps I used to work with tomorrow. Maybe one of them will know someone that needs someone.. you get the picture.
Regardless though.. promises have been made so I'm not giving up and I'll reinforce my resolve with the thoughts of good things to come.
Sakura's wedding is approaching in what.. two months? Whoa.. I'm behind on alot of stuff I feel hehe.
I've been wondering how some people are doing... not sure if that's good or bad but it is what it is.
Anyway.. hope everyone that's connected to me in some way shape or form is well.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
4/05/2008 04:13:00 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
So Monday I had an interview at Abbott Labs.. this is the job I applied for in December. Now it took them THREE months to say ok let's start interviewing people. I get my interview date and time and I'm like.. sweet. Get there at 1:30pm for a 2pm interview. 2:15 rolls by.. this lady comes out and says.. "wow.. I'm sorry you're here." Of course here's me sitting there all dressed up going WTF? WTH? WHAT?! Apparently they hired someone last week without cancelling pending interviews.. Awesome.
Friend of mine was like.. I dunno why you haven't found a job your resume rocks. I'm just like... well I don't know why either Sparky.. oh I didn't call him Sparky but still.
It's funny how there has to be at least one thing in my life that can't be easy. Before it was something else and work was fine.. now it's reversed. Man... that whole karma thing fails me I feel.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
3/20/2008 12:36:00 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Once more into the breach...
It's a little after 7 in the morning. I have to wake up in hmm.. four hours so I can wake up and get ready for another job interview. This time for Abbott Labs. This job opened in December and they're just now getting to the interviews. Awesome. It's not THE job I want.. but at this point I really want A job period. CDW has a position I'd rock at but they haven't hit me back yet on that one sadly. The one at Abbott Labs is for a Lotus Notes messaging admin type of thing. Could I do it? Sure. Do I want to? Prolly not. Will I take it if they offer? Pretty much yeah.
Ah well. Rei, T and I went to Sakura's for a St. Patty's thing Saturday. That was fun. Lil T apparently likes kitties, sadly Rei seems to be deathly allergic.. doh.
That's about it. Not much else is going on. Almost have all my credit card debt paid off I think. Let's hope this Abbott Labs things works out and I get employed by the real world Umbrella Corp... Milla where are you?! (That's a Resident Evil reference.. yes I did).
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
3/17/2008 07:11:00 AM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Best year ever?
Not trying to jinx myself yet, but if everything works out, 30 might be actually the best year EVER for me.
Have an interview at CDW on Monday afternoon (March 3rd), for the Systems Analyst, Project Management Tools position... well that's a mouthful. So yes wish me luck :P
Got to see some friends I've known for a loooong time on Saturday night so that was cool. Gollum had a... 'harem party'. Sadly I did not have a sultan outfit to wear but it was ok, and the belly dancing was cool.
Also had dinner with Elvis and his fam on Sunday night at this Italian restaurant that was in what used to be a church.. that was kinda trippy but I didn't burst into flames or even start smoking a little so that was encouraging. I think Elvis was a bit surprised to see me with Lil T. Who knew I could be that comfortable taking care of a 1yr old?
Sooooooo yes... here's to hoping my years of interviewing and corporate lingo experience mixed with some overall awesomeness helps me rock this thing Monday.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/26/2008 03:36:00 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Posted some pics on the myspace page just because.
I'll have to scan more in and post later. Damn the time before digital cameras...
- Nat
Pics section,
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/20/2008 02:57:00 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Every new beginning
The song from this video was recently dedicated to me. It's a sad fact that sometimes in life things change and even if it may seem it's for the better, it can still hurt.
This weekend I'm going to a friend's baby shower but since it's a dude throwing it apparently there's going to be lots of alcohol.. how odd. Then after that going to another party to see some friends I haven't seen for quite some time so that'll be nice to reconnect a bit I suppose. Think E.C. is going to go with me to. Things are going surprisingly well considering neither of us were expecting this and it's.. nice to be happy. I can only hope that everyone else is afforded the chance to be happy as well.
Nothing else really to say right now. Nothing to insightful or wise or even remotely witty.
'Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.'
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/19/2008 02:07:00 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The biggest VDay to date...
So Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. I know there are those who are in the mindset of.. "Stupid made up hallmark holiday", but that's more 'Sweetest Day'. Valentine's Day is someone legit at least.
Let's see. Yesterday was pretty cool. Saw E.C. in the morning, had lunch and spent some time with Haruka, then hung with Sakura a bit.
Haha amusingly enough the family that Sakura was nannying (that a word?) for, one of the girls is six. She found out it was my birthday and made me a paper bracelet, a 'map' of the computer I was fixing at her house and a necklace with plastic or glass beads? Either way it was extremly cute so I was like awwww.
I'm not really going to mention much about my birthday since pfft, whatever :P I do want to say thank you for all those who have left me messages/gifts and such, they are all greatly appreciated.
I'm hoping with this new.. decade.. on life things will finally start going back up again since I've been in a bit of a funk and all.
Throughout the day today Sakura's been sending me txt messages of I am "the amazingest". She listed 30 things that made me laugh and smile so I'm thankful for that. I did want to post a couple of the really outstanding ones though.
7. Because of you I can order beyond sushi combo B
12. You have the best taste in angry music.
15. You understand that scurvy is a very real threat.
And probably the one that had me laughing the loudest and looking like an insane person as I was running errands earlier...
18. If you were a superhero your motto would be. 'Leave no woman unsaved." -- Your success rate is rather impressive.
27. You’ve inspire a duality in me at Mexican restaurants: desperately needing to order flan, and then urgently needing to poke it.
29. If someone asked you the difference between east coast and west coast glowsticking, you'd have an answer.
Awesome :)
Hmm what else.. I'm making a gift bag for E.C., I swear I'm not of the same sex persuasion. Cleaned the car out a bit, got the oil changed and the engine flushed (car talk for give me all your money). Should go get ready and all that going to go see some Blue Man Group tonight. Wasn't my original plans but hey, that's a part of life being able to think on your feet and go with it right?
Sooooo.. Ja Ne
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/14/2008 04:04:00 PM
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Fragile Folded Wings
I've been watching alot of Bleach lately since I've had free time due to lack of people calling me to tell me they want to pay me alot of money to do minimal work. The bastards. Just applied for two positions at CDW so here's hoping. Yes I still want to do the cop thing. No security gigs aren't paying my debts. Hence the need for an IT job so I can get paid, pay bills, and get back into my own place. That and I miss my stuff that's in storage. Sigh.
So yeah.. the latest opening theme song for Bleach gets to me in a good way. Here's the video with the english translations of the lyrics.
Aqua Timez - Alones
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/07/2008 01:49:00 AM
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Are you scared?
Hahahaha my sister posted this on her myspace page and damn.. I think I've seen every movie these clips are taken from.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/06/2008 01:48:00 PM
Sadly this is the best news I've had in months hehe. Stopped at WalMart last night, (not much else is open at 1am), after picking up my sister from work (her car's in the shop this week) and I was like.. I need cereal and BAM in the cereal aisle I see...
It was like the universe felt sorry for me and decided to throw me a bone of sweetened crisp happiness. Who am I to argue. I bought two boxes. One might make it through the rest of the day today. Hee.
I keep seeing calendars.. and I keep giving them the finger. Less than two weeks? Son of a.. The Abbott Labs job I've been waiting to hear back about now may take until next week again to get back to me. I hate them.. yet I want to work for them and get paid.. GET PAID SON! sigh.
Well back to job hunting.. again.. bother. Someone just needs to be like.. here you I'll pay you large sums of money to surf the internet and take breaks when you want to. That'd be hot.
- N -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/06/2008 01:28:00 PM
As lost as I get...
Nin and Mirrormask. Hot. This is for E.C.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/06/2008 02:42:00 AM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Scuse me can I check your purse?
Wow.. so today's the first day I've had time to stop and collect my thoughts after working 54 hours since Tuesday at the latest security gig. Sadly it's not an armed gig so I don't get paid as much but eventhough the hours are way long in a day I can't complain to much considering I'm hanging out in a college bookstore all day and uhh enjoying the sights. Would be nice if there was more 'action' I suppose but the thing with providing security in any capacity is that you're supposed to be ready to spring into action but ideally the hope is you won't need to do anything much besides nod and smile at people.
Should hear back bout the IT job next week at least for an interview which is good. Maybe I'll take out my earrings for that since I think Abbott Labs wouldn't be to keen on that and I can't portray myself as a youngin hehe.
Crap.. thinking of that youngin thing.. I was so drained from work this past week I wasn't able to call Koopa for his bday on the 23rd.. my bad man. If there's something I can't stand is failing in this case as a friend. This of course applies to people that consider themselves my friend as well.
Damn.. day off and I still don't even have time to even post a blog.. gotta go get ready.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/26/2008 12:13:00 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Old things new
Killing time as I do.. and watched the first episode of the new Macross Frontier series. The series was created to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Macross. Macross is the original Japanese version of a 'cartoon' that alot of US kids would know as Robotech. It's cool to see the changes in technology and animation that can clearly be seen if you watch one after the other. One of the most popular songs from the original series was remade for the closing credits of the new series. It's great to hear if you were a fan.
I dunno why but I really dig songs that do the whole absence of bass and just have singing (regardless of the language). Check out the video at 1:37 and that's what I'm talking about. Awesome.
Hmm starting a week long security gig tomorrow. Shouldn't be to dangerous but whatev. One more week to hear back bout the IT job at Abbott which would be hot. That whole karma thing needs to come back my way some now please? Ok thanks!
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/21/2008 12:11:00 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Jrock eh?
This is the video of the group The Brilliant Green. They're a jp rock group and their song 'Ash Like Snow' is the new opening song of an anime I've been watching (Gundam 00). Though the video's kinda silly I do like the song.
This is how it's used for Gundam 00's opening.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/19/2008 06:47:00 AM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Worst test. ever.
You Belong in San Francisco |
You crave an eclectic, urban environment. You're half California, half NYC. You're open minded, tolerant, and secretly think you're the best. People may dismiss you as a hippie, but you're also progressive, interesting, and rich! |
So the other night I worked a 17 hour straight security gig.. jeebus.. during hour 15 I bout lost it.. coffee never seemed so beautiful.
Still waiting to hear bout the IT job at the same time more security gigs coming up then I'll be applying for a PD.. neat.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/15/2008 01:26:00 AM
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
The word of the day is...
The word of the day is chagrin. It's a great word but outside of hearing it in random things how often can you use this in daily conversation with peple?
cha·grin (shə-grĭn')
n. A keen feeling of mental unease, as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event: To her chagrin, the party ended just as she arrived.
tr.v. cha·grined, cha·grin·ing, cha·grins
To cause to feel chagrin; mortify or discomfit: He was chagrined at the poor sales of his book. See Synonyms at embarrass.
[French, possibly from dialectal French chagraigner, to distress, become gloomy, from Old French graim, sorrowful, gloomy, of Germanic origin.]
Word History: The ultimate etymology of the word chagrin, which comes directly to us from French, is considered uncertain by many etymologists. At one time chagrin was thought to be the same word as shagreen, "a leather or skin with a rough surface," derived from French chagrin. The reasoning was that in French the word for this rough material, which was used to smooth and polish things, was extended to the notion of troubles that fret and annoy a person. It was later decided, however, that the sense "rough leather" and the sense "sorrow" each belonged to a different French word chagrin. Other etymologists have offered an alternative explanation, suggesting that the French word chagrin, "sorrow," is a loan translation of the German word Katzenjammer, "a hangover from drinking." A loan translation is a type of borrowing from another language in which the elements of a foreign word, as in Katzen, "cats," and Jammer, "distress, seediness," are assumed to be translated literally by corresponding elements in another language, in this case, chat, "cat," and grigner, "to grimace." The actual etymology is less colorful, with the word probably going back to a Germanic word, *gramī, meaning "sorrow, trouble." Chagrin is first recorded in English in 1656 in the now obsolete sense "anxiety, melancholy."
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/08/2008 06:19:00 AM
Sunday, January 06, 2008
What's in a name? More than you think!
So my random thought/memory of the day is based on people with unisex names.
Let's take for example the name Nat. Now there's the obvious full male name of Nathan or Nathaniel and the female full name of Natalie or Natalya etc.
Now put those two in a relationship and let the awkwardness begin!
Oh Nat! Oh Nat!
What's my name bitch?! .. Well.. it's the same as mine?
Yeah.. something about dating someone with the same name is just odd.
- Nat (the male one) .. not Nate.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/06/2008 01:42:00 AM
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I want a star to!
Just finished watching the movie Stardust. It came out a little bit ago but one thing or another happened and prevented me from seeing it in the theatre. I have to say.. this movie is actually really good and I'm not just saying that because Claire Danes.. mmm Claire Danes.. is in it. Definitely recommend it =)
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/05/2008 04:05:00 AM
Friday, January 04, 2008
Paint The New Year
Two songs that stood out from the New Year's Rock Band marathon.
Rolling Stones - Paint It Black
Radiohead - Creep
Oh yeah, and I'm finally back home hehe. Now back to this getting employed and going back to school thing.. guh.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/04/2008 04:45:00 AM
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Stating the New Year with a.. pop?
So last night.. rather around 5 or so this morning I was thinking of posting some deep new year's resolutions then eventually I just went to sleep.
Right now my friend's father-in-law is speaking to me as I'm trying to type this so excuse me if it seems kind of random.
My original plan for New Year's was to sleep through it because ya know.. what the f ever. But last night "Elvis's" wife tricked me into coming over which in the long run is a good thing. I've been crashing over here the past couple of nights. Unfortunately before I left my sister's house I didn't turn off my PC so people are sending me mad chats and wondering why I'm not responding.. I'm not being rude yo, I'm just NOT THERE.
Went to a party down the street at Elvis's friend's house which was pretty fun. I finally got to try out this Ciroc Vodka that the Puff endorses haha.. surprisingly it's damn good, I also got reaquainted with my old friend Chivas Regal :)
Someone there brought over his Xbox 360 and the full Rockstar set drums 2 guitars and a mic.. I ROCKED that shiat with my song of the year.. Creep by Radiohead.. Happy New Year indeed. Good times though, met some cool people, had some good food can't complain overall and no regrets for not sticking with my original plan of sleeping through the new year.
I had thought about going home today but got talked into staying for dinner.. so I say okay but let me go get some Diet Coke or whatev.. me n Elvis get in my car and go to a grocery store.. me being me had to pull the ebrake a couple times to take some corners because yes.. with all the snow on the ground, that's how I take corners in my Eclipse. Unfortunately on the corner in front of the grocery store.. what I had thought was a pile of snow turned out to be a curb.. a big curb.. yeah Sophie (my car) got hurt. So I'll be staying here another night now so I can go get some new tires for the car tomorrow and get um this one piece on the car fixed. Oops. I am the Slow and the Furious!
Anyway so the only semi deep thoughts I remember from last night / this morning that I was going to post as far as 'resolutions' go.
Things to do this year;
- Stick with good people. Don't bother associating with dumb asses.
- Don't stress about money. If you're screwed you're screwed but hey.. give it your best.
- Remmeber what you wanted to post and don't post while some dude is talking to you or else you won't be able to write complete sentences and finish a thought in your own head.. doh.
Happy New Year all to you and yours.. hope for the best for everyone.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/01/2008 04:37:00 PM