I should seriously register that domain name and put up a site.. why? Because I find it amusing :)
So it's the last week of working for 'The LandLord'. Layoff date is this Friday.. awesome. Still applying like mad for a job and have expanded the job search to different cities. San Jose, San Francisco, Monteray, LA, Santa Monica, OC, New York, Boston are some of the major ones outside of Chi.. someone needs to call me back and be like aw damn come work for us! People keep walking up to me at work today like.. HOLY CRAP! You still work here? Or.. wow! Your badge still works? (to get in the building
So.. I'm trying not to like this song... but it grows on you.. like fungus...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
7/17/2007 03:22:00 PM
Sunday, July 08, 2007
May The Gods Be Merciful
So for the last 'night' in New Mexico my sis and I are going to get out of this crap ass 'Leisure Inn' and go stay at the resort with the casino we went to a couple of days ago. Best name ever.. Inn of The Mountain Gods. It's on an Apache reservation and its freaking great. I'll be glad to get back to my style hotel/resort :)
Let's see some updates;
Carlsbad Caverns was pretty cool.. that's alot of walking. Took pics like a japanese tourist (minus pics of girls in school unfiorms) and I'll post a link to everything taken from the trip after I get back and have a chance to upload and resize etc. Def worth the drive, anyone who wants to see something cool and well pretty much not man made save for the lights that were added should check it out of they can.
Oh also forgot.. on the first day we were here.. we flew into El Paso, TX and after driving for a couple of hours we hit New Mexico and the Border Patrol had a road block type thing setup I'm guessing to look for uhh.. illegal.. workers? hehe.. anyway.. we pull up and I roll down the window.. the border patrol guy was like... Are you two US Citizens? I look at him and say.. Yep? He looks at us, looks in the backseat says ok and waves us through... Awesome. So.. apparently eventhough Texas is ya know on the border with Mexico the Border Patrol will wait to look for people until you hit New Mexico... brilliant.
Let's see couple of other things to mention today.. there was a costume show at the UFO Festival.. and no there were not hot blue or green women walking around scantly clad.. well ok there was one that MAY have been kinda cute but she was blue and well you couldn't really tell under the makeup. Captain Kirk would have been sad. The dogs and the kids' costumes were cute though. No pics of that because.. well.. it was hot out.
My sis and I also stopped at one of the booths at the festival and had pics of our auras taken. Yes you didn't read that wrong. It was actually kinda cool and disturbingly accurate. I've always been open minded about well.. everything but after doing some research into my results I have to say it's pretty dead on. Maybe Joan's sis-in-law knows stuff the rest of us don't... This was the equipment they used.. 6k for one of those machines at least.. jeez http://www.auraphoto.com/index1.shtml. I'll have to scan the report later and post it.. pretty wild stuff. Didn't take a pic of Chase Masterson because she wasn't the actress I thought she was oops. Did take a pic of Dean Hagel because well... it was sad and he used to be on the X-Files.
After the costume show stuff we walked on by a random Video Game Tournament by Midnight Gaming sponsored by McDonalds. Entry was free and we had time to kill before the night parade for the festival so I signed up. You were only allowed to play in one game of the games avail for the tournament. I picked Super Smash Bros for the Gamecube. Now.. keep in mind I've never played it.. short summary I beat a bunch of people and took 2nd losing to a kid (least he was 18), who showed up with his own controller and memory card to load his own custom character. Yeah.. once I saw he had all that crap I was like.. awesome. So he won a trip to Dallas to play in the national championships for 3k as first prize.. and for second place I got interviewed and was given a t-shirt. Was sad to since people working the event were cheerin for me. I'll have to see when I'm on TV or a podcast for the interviews I did. All I can say is at least it wasn't a game that I've been playing for awhile that I lost at.. I'd of had to walked off a cliff if I lost a Counterstrike tournament or something of that nature.
Just remember kids... Second place is the First Loser.. DOH! =P
More later (insert fob) Please to enjoy INN OF THE MOUNTAIN GODS after we have arrivaled. (end fob)
- Lakota
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
7/08/2007 06:01:00 AM
Friday, July 06, 2007
The Truth Isn't Out there, It's Here...
Currently on vacation with my sis in Roswell, NM.
Will post pics and all that when I get back next week.
This weekend should be interesting as all the geeks (I spose I'm one of them...) arrive for the 60th Roswell UFO Aniv.
Here's some quick notes;
Casino night tonight went quite well. There was a hot firework show there..guess they can afford the good shiat.
Saw a road sign with bullet holes.
It's hot here.
Roswell the TV show was in fact not filmed in Roswell, NM but in Cali.
I ate at a place called the Cover Up Cafe this morning.
I bought a new camera, its a digi Sony Cybershot.. it rocks hence pics coming soon.
I'm driving a Dodge Charger as my rental. Damn.. they're bigass cars.
My blackberry gets NO reception here. (Have my 630 cell with me)
The hotel I'm staying in.. lacks but its ok.
Going to go explore some caverns tomorrow in Carlsbad... ever see 'The Cave'?
Saw the guy from the Lone Gunmen / XFiles.. the one with long blonde hair. He cut it. He looks like a dork. Yes. Well.. I guess more so.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
7/06/2007 03:30:00 AM