So much better than the US remake..
My Sassy Girl (Korean)
Monday, February 26, 2007
Sometimes the original is best
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/26/2007 04:50:00 PM
Shuffle Mode for the lose...
Azumi's defending my playlist...
(From my myspace)
So thanks to Ben for putting up a bulletin that I thought I'd repost because I was also bored.
After going through this however I find that I am greatly embarrassed by some of my music but whatever.. that's why they invented the 'next' button on an mp3 player right?
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...just type it in man!
If your life were a movie this would be your soundtrack..
Opening Credits: Here With Me - Dido
Waking Up: Scars of Love - TKA
First Day At School: Yellow – Coldplay
Falling In Love: Deliver Me – Sarah Brightman
Losing Virginity: Comfortable – John Mayer
Fight Song: Opening Mandlebrot – Blue Man Group
Breaking Up: Help – Bananarma (remake) (Wow.. I don’t know what to say about that.)
Prom: Butterfly – Tori Amos
Life: Bumblebee - Aqua (Wtf on the category and the song)
Mental Breakdown: Forgotten – Linkin Park
Driving: Don’t Leave Home - Dido
Flashback: If You Really Wanna Party With Me – Busta Rhymes
Getting Back Together: The Fragile – NIN (HAHAHAHAHA)
Wedding: Cosmos – Tatu (Maybe if life were an anime?)
Birth of Child: Ride With Me – Nelly
Final Battle: Penny Lane – The Beatles
Death Scene: Come Into My Dreams - Foggy
Funeral Song: Sweet – Inner Circle (Wow.. everyone would have to be high at my funeral running around saying YAH MON!)
End Credits: Everything - Lifehouse
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/26/2007 11:45:00 AM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Return of the Jedi.. kinda
So I'm back on my feet after the pneumonia owned me for two weeks.
Thanks to Haruka for putting together the Birthday festivities last weekend at Dick's Last Resort... yeah I'm lazy look it up if you want to know bout it.
Been thrown back into work while it lasts. May be on permanent vacation from this company soon which could be both good and bad. I know one thing's for sure, if and when I get laid off I need to take some time to walk the Earth.. "What you mean walk the Earth? You know.. like Kane from Kung-Fu". Yes.
Sad news.. is no more. Seems like the bastards at AOL decided they didn't want people downloading free videos and mp3s anymore. The nerve of some people... so now I'm checking out Not sure if it's good or not yet.
Write more later.. gotta work. But yeah.. I'm alive and all that.
Oh also.. I feel out of need, next year for my birthday I'm going native and hiding in the jungles of Thailand with the mountain people... hot.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/21/2007 02:06:00 PM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Well damn
Went to the ER over the weekend and they gave me antibiotics because apparently my dumbass has penumonia again... awesome. Doesn't seem to be working though so I think tomorrow (when I wake up today on wed) my sis is gonna take me back to the hospital for a wtf type of visit.
Well.. for what it's worth..

Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/14/2007 01:59:00 AM
Friday, February 09, 2007
Yeah no posts past couple of days. I've had the sickness and have felt like death. Still recovering but feel I should actually go to work more than one day this week. Meh.. it's gonna suck tomorrow (friday).
Also looks like I now work for The Blackstone Group.. at least until they lay people off. Lets hope it doesn't effect the corporate office in Chicago because hell if I'll be able to find another company dumb enough to pay me what I'm getting now eh? Then again.. I guess it's not that dumb considering they work me like an imported railroad worker...
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/09/2007 02:44:00 AM
Monday, February 05, 2007
Roll with the changes (a chat log)
[11:27] gilae: ogilvie for christs sake
[11:27] lakota: oh
[11:27] lakota: well you said northwest
[11:27] lakota: that confooosed me
[11:27] gilae: that's what it used to be called
[11:27] gilae: and a lot of people still call it that
[11:27] lakota: pfft
[11:27] gilae: omg are you from chicago or wtf
[11:27] lakota: lol
[11:27] lakota: i change with the times
[11:27] lakota: i dont hold on to old names!
[11:28] lakota: if they started calling it the ass tower instead of the sears tower
[11:28] lakota: you damn right ill be sayin lets go to the ass tower
[11:28] gilae: lol
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/05/2007 11:31:00 AM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
No idea what I was going to post
Wow.. was at work last night and they turned off the lights because everyone went home.... bastards.
I need to do some free writing and get a couple new things down on paper. Was thinking of a story going off the X-Files having it 20+ years after the end of the show... might continue the Angels vs Demons story.. dunno what I feel like doing right now. Need a muse to make it easier. Yes. Haven't gone on a photo shoot in awhile but well.. it's cold out.
Random thoughts since I got my headphones on and trying to get all this crap done at work.
I grew up watching hella sci fi.. Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Star Trek, Dr.Who etc.. now I've gotten older, and oddly most of the shows have been remade and I'm still watching. I find I often like newer techie things vs older classic things, but there's a time and a place for everything. Like an old castle from back in the day? Cool. Not having a flat screen tv and air conditioning in it? Not cool. Excalibur? Cool. Freakin Lightsaber? Cooler.
Damn.. there's stuff I wanted to write about but I can't think right now.. I'll have to try again later.
The Beatles - Help
Hmm then again I think I liked the Monkees more growing up hehe.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/01/2007 12:49:00 PM