Listening to nin at work always makes me reminisce.. ah, good times.. or was I just to dumb when I was younger to know better?
On the upside new nin albums comes out this month. Last time I went to a nin concert it was just.. weird. It was exactly the same crowd of people but they didn't age and I did, least that's what it felt like. Whatever though, I still can appreciate Trent Reznor.
Sigh. Bored. Tired of working. There's a special joy in coffee black. It would worry me one day if I had to map out all my random trains of thought.
In the frigid weather of Chicago.. you can appreciate one thing over all other things warmth
NIN - A Warm Place
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Kinda I Want To
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/31/2007 04:39:00 PM
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
So lucky...
People are damn lucky I don't have superpowers. I can see it now..
Super Hero Name: Shin Lakota
Special Moves: Multi-Task Barrage / Instant Message..of death / Eternal Sleepless Assault!
Weakness: Hawtness
Most like: Naruto with Goku's power
But yeah... work is driving me nucking futs... sigh.
- D -
Information Society - Can't Slow Down
My heart is a drum that’s pounding.
My mind is a note that’s sounding.
Let the choir sing your praises.
I’ll state my case in four-note phrases.
Can I get a witness to my rate?
Will anyone quantify my fate?
While I’ve been waiting for you,
Lives I’ve been creating for you.
I can’t slow down.
Like a river I’m flowing on and on.
Some way, somehow.
I will find out where I am going.
The meaning of life is to attack.
There’s a special joy in coffee black.
When I see the red, the black, the green,
I’m seeing the color of my dreams.
My song is a tree that’s hollow.
My mantra is I must follow
Where those hooded eyes are leading.
I cannot be stopped for speeding.
I can’t slow down.
Like a river, I’m flowing on and on.
Some way, some how.
I will find out where I am going.
I can’t slow down.
Like a river, I’m flowing on and on.
Some way, some how.
I will find where I am going.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/30/2007 02:07:00 PM
Monday, January 29, 2007
More than meets the eye
Oh baby.
When I was younger a good friend of mine... we'll call him Data, used to say to people 'Personal problems don't impress me'. I used to thing that was one of the most brilliant things ever. Now that I'm older and ha, wiser, I think more importantly I'd like to tell people.. 'Impress Me' and non chalantly wave my hand dismissing them to await the results of their efforts. Elitest? Na. Delusions of grandiuer? Of course not. Freaking hilarious in my own mind? You damn right.
- D -
It's anime/game theme song day ( for the win! - Singing fish has both the jp and english versions to some of the following songs).
Two Mix - Rhythm Emotion(Gundam Wing)
Go!!1 (Naruto OP 4)
Kung Fu Generation - Rewrite (Full Metal Alchemist)
Rie Fu - Life Is Like a Boat (Bleach - Closing Theme 1)
Koda Kumi - Real Emotion (Final Fantasy X-2)
Utada Hikaru - Simple and Clean (Kingdom Hearts)
Yoko Kanno/Origa - Inner Universe (Ghost In The Shell SAC 1)
Youko Takahashi - Cruel Angel Thesis (Evangelion Main Theme)
Okino Shuntaro - Cloud Age Symphony (Last Exile)
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/29/2007 12:36:00 PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Been rocking the Court Square hoody this week. Past couple of days been into John Mayer which is odd for me as he's definitely not a female vocalist. I think I just appreciate that it's chill.
Money money money. Money sucks. Everybody wants it, but wouldn't the world be so much simpler if we got rid of currency altogether? If we removed money and religion out of the equation, there would be far less violence in the world. Then the only other major thing you have to worry about is crimes of passion/stupidity/human nature.
I have an adopted sister I've never met. I guess she's 17 now. Interesting. Not sure if I'd want to meet her. Would be a bit awkward especially if I was like.. hey your parents (my 'dad' and step-monster) both suck. Yeah. Good times.
Not seeing most of my friends on a daily basis like before is probably one of the big reasons I'm enjoying playing Warcraft online with them again. It's kinda like hanging out still, cept well not the same.
I miss being a kid where all I had to worry about was where I could get money to go to the arcade with or for the next game of Q-Zar and how to avoid getting speeding tickets.
I haven't travelled in awhile, used to go somewhere at least once a year. Miss that. Road trips with a group is always fun, miss that to, but it's only good if everyone in the group gets along.
- D -
Though, I've been listening to Daughters alot more lately. Biological clock? pfft. Don't know. But maybe.
"Girls become lovers that turn into mothers so mothers be good to your daughters to."
John Mayer - No Such Thing
I wanna run through the halls of my high school
I wanna scream at the
Top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you got to rise above
I am invincible
As long as I'm alive
I wanna run through the halls of my high school
I wanna scream at the
Top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you've got to rise above
I just can't wait til my 10 year reunion
I'm gonna bust down the double doors
And when I stand on these tables before you
You will know what all this time was for
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/24/2007 11:40:00 AM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I was sitting at work when I got some new email on my yahoo account. Some random people had some friend requests for myspace. It's interesting that myspace actually has a ranking system based on how many friends you have. I don't understand why exactly that's important.
Quality over quantity.
Why do people feel the need to have a connection with others? Because it's that connection that holds us to this Earth. Without connections to other people and live human contact you would probably stop being yourself. If our actions define who we are, what happens when no one else is there to witness any of your actions? Sure you'd still have a sense of self, but would you have a sense of being and a feeling of accomplishment or contentment? I should go interview a hobbit. I mean a hermit. Yes.
- D -
PS Happy Birthdya to Koopa who fell off the face of the planet. At least he's probably happy though :)
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/23/2007 05:38:00 PM
Friday, January 19, 2007
Hard Day's Night
It's been a hard day's night.. at yes, I've been working like a dog. bark. bark. Someone give me a treat or at least a new tasty chew toy that squeaks? Ok thanks.
Not much to say really. Been playing World of Warcraft again. Sure it's fun and a nice escape but when I log off there's still all the same problems and demons waiting to start throwing another rave in my mind. Boo.
This song has been in my head all day today. Thankfully I was able to download it from , which is usually what I do when a song I don't already have in my head plays in my head. It brings back alot of memories and a couple of lessons I've learned in my lifetime. Here's two semi amusing ones I learned when I was younger.
1. If you're asking a girl out for a date for the very first time and it's a movie, make sure it's not some ultra violent film like 'Natural Born Killers'.
2. Regardless of how cool it is that you go to the arcade with your girlfriend and that she can beat people at fighting games, it is not suggested to get upset with her, play her and subsequently get a 'flawless victory' without breaking a sweat eliciting comments of 'oh damn' from the big crowd that is watching. Heh.. good times. ( Though it is sad that nowadays all gaming is done from the comfort of your home. I miss going to arcades and putting up your quarter or token to indicate next up).
I was supposed to go to Toronto for training at the end of this month but that's been cancelled since there's to much stuff to do. I can't just be out of the office for that long right now. There are three follow up session that I can go to. One is in Cali, another is in Chicago, the last in Boston. Yeah.. I'm pushing for Cali or Boston. Course.. this could all change in a couple weeks when the company I work for gets bought out by whoever they decided to sell to. I don't so much want to be 'liquidated' in any sense of the word actually.
Ah well.. all we can do is move forward, keep trying, and trying to not forget to breathe.
- D -
Oh wait wait I forgot I like posting random pictures of things now.. To celebrate the return of Battlestar this Sunday...
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/19/2007 04:26:00 PM
Monday, January 15, 2007
Local time eh?
Birthday Wishes to Nong Soi.. though I'm not sure if that's the right name since you're a whole month older than me nyah :)
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/15/2007 10:13:00 AM
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Like the side of the pike
I hate when my coffee tastes like coffee grounds and hot water! .. hehe.
No that's not what we use at work.. but it's funny because it's Sanka!
Oh and note.. beware if you do a yahoo or google search on just 'Sanka'.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/11/2007 10:01:00 AM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Dream a little dream
So.. my sleep schedule has been screwed the past couple of days. I've been going to sleep somewhere between 5 and 7pm and waking up between 2 and 4am. Yeah.. that would be great if I were talking to people overseas all the time or something, but that's rare :P
So anyway, I had these two dreams that bothered or annoyed me. First was just one that was me being at work someone saying I was late, then me waking up trying to figure out what the hell time it was. After a couple of minutes I figured out that whole am, pm thing. No big deal there but man, that sucks when you dream about work only to wake up to have to actually go to work. Boo.
The second dream was odd. It was about an friend of mine from high school I haven't seen or talked to since. I dunno how but I was at her house and I'm not sure if we aged or still looked like we were in high school but the conversation went something to the effect of.. "Where have you been?" "I've been here the whole time." (Which was accompanied by a look of, you dumbass).
To top that off.. I grabbed a newspaper this morning and was reading through it while waiting for my train to get to the station (which turned out to be running 55 minutes late) and I checked out my horoscope.. get this.. "Aquarius - You could be lost in daydreams about someone. Venus is increasing your tendency to get lost in fantasy. You're thinking about what could have been or should have been. Remember you'll still have to deal with reality at some point."
Seriously.. someone needs to be kicked in the face.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/08/2007 05:51:00 PM
Video killed the radio star
This is pretty great. Someone made a list of almost *all* the videos on youtube. A couple of the videos have been removed but most work.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/08/2007 04:49:00 PM
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
pew pew master chief
Altitude warning. Descent rate to high.
“You think?” I yelled back into my helmet
I looked down to see the ground charging at me faster and faster. It’s funny the way the mind thinks in a situation like that. Here I was hurtling towards the ground and I had thought I was the stationary object with something coming at me. Tucking my arms back and keeping my legs straight I leaned my body to try and aim for the lake I had seen earlier. Power diving, I was on course but my speed had also increased. Reaching for my grenade belt I prepared to try something that you should only try when your options are death, and probable death. I had four grenades with me and set them all to detonate on impact. The exosuit I was wearing was heavily shielded and armored which in theory should protect me from the grenade detonation. Flipping myself over while falling, I strapped the grenades under my feet and began to fall straight down feet first. It could have been an amusement park ride in another situation but for me this was not an ideal moment. Crossing my arms and keeping my head straight I got ready for impact.
“Lavi can I get a countdown please”
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.. impact
The moment the grenades touched the water they exploded breaking the stillness of the surface while changing my momentum. Warning alarms blaring in my helmet I felt the water envelop me quickly. I clawed at the water trying to swim but realizing that the exosuit prevented me to swim any better than a rock wearing flippers. I waited till I settled on the bottom of the lake maybe five meters from the surface. My legs were wobbly when I touched solid ground but they were still attached to my body and I was still alive. I walked a few meters until I came to the shore. The enemy knew we were here and they would be looking for survivors.
“Lavi, activate sonic nullifier and active camouflage”
Sonic nullifier and active camouflage systems activated.
The nullifier would hide my life signs from any active scans and the active camouflage would take care of anyone visually scanning the area. I was slowly going into shock from everything that just happened.
“Lavi, open communications with the rest of the squad and locate”
Unable to fulfill request. Planet side communications are being disrupted by unknown forces. Squad member beacons not active.
This was bad, either the beacons were being jammed or the other guys didn’t survive the fall. I had made it into the tree line when my legs finally gave out… okay maybe I’ll rest for a few minutes.
It’s been over 48 hours since our drop pod was shot down. Upon weapons impact, the pod began to disintegrate and the last time I saw my comrades everyone was free falling in different directions. We all had on our combat exosuits which for the most part should have absorbed the force of impact on the ground but from the altitude we were at the chances were slim.
“Lavi, has there been any word from the Tichon about reinforcements or extraction?”
Negative. Satcom is being disrupted by enemy forces. Limited communication is available.
Damn it. It was a textbook recon drop, or at least that’s what we thought on the way down. My squad and I were to gather intelligence on enemy movements and analyze anti air capabilities. Initial reports had indicated a lack of anti air which should allow for a smooth drop. Someone was wrong, and if I get back to HQ, someone is going to meet the wrong side of my Steyer pistol.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/03/2007 11:10:00 AM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Ah lighthouses..
Hmm.. blog's going to be messy for a little bit. Started this whole upgrading thing but well I should be working right now so yeah I'll get to it when I get to it.
Problem with being in the midwest, is you spend some days wanting to be on one coast or another and just not generally being satisfied with where you are.
Probably going to free write some later to. Been itching to put some stuff down. Probably due to the lack of proper well rested sleep.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/02/2007 11:08:00 AM
No Need For a Title
Two of the biggest hurdles for the year have been passed.. well at least for 2006.
Christmas and New Year's have both come and gone. Uneventful? Dunno. Good or bad? Sure. Whatever.
I've been watching many many episodes of Naruto on youtube as of late. It reminds me that I'm sad I can't go around throwing shuriken at people and being able to be all like.. NINJA VANISH! *poof* but whatever.
Hope everyone had a good holiday and is well and good. I know some people had a rough time. I'll try to think good thoughts for you.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/02/2007 10:56:00 AM