Well. Damn. Had this long post up and then I got owned by blogspot and lost it.. awesome.
Recap. Concert was great, epic for some of us ok just one of us that went but still. Always remember where you park.. driving in the right direction is a good idea and if you're planning on meeting someone at a concert.. plan ahead instead of trying to call eachother on cell phones over the music.. yes.
This song has been keeping me awake.. Im freakin tired right now
Bust A Groove - Kitty N's song (excerpt)
I will never, ever run away,
I'll be here to fight another day.
I will make you realize,
I'll always be right by your side.
Now our love is sanctified,
I'm here to Bust A Groove.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Journey to find the Def Leppard completed
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
7/20/2006 04:57:00 PM
Monday, July 17, 2006
Pirate Orgasm. What?
Been awhile.. my bad.
So what's been going on lately... today I start the new position at work. It's unfortunate that technology like the Matrix does not exist and I can't just 'jack in' and download all the needed information. Instead it's like going back to school complete with private tutor (the guy I'm replacing), and even schoolbooks (Big ol books on IT stuff). It should proove to be a challenge but hey.. that's what makes it fun right? And I'm not complaining about the much needed additional income. Hopefully I won't be disappointed when I see my first check in two weeks.
The weekend was pretty good cept it was FREAKING HOT. The sublet unfortunately didn't come with some things I've gotten used to having like.. a microwave.. all my stuff.. oh and AIR CONDITIONING.. I swear it's tropical up in there.. I just need some coconuts growing from a tree, some sand, oh and maybe I'll get an inflatable pool I can put in the living room. Hmm possibly going to have to suck it up and buy new ac units now though I was going to wait until after the move to the new place on August 1.
So PandaThug and uhh.. hmm.. the hell did I name him.. we'll keep with the animal theme with these two and I call the other one Bulldog pretty much spent the weekend in the tropics at my place. Late Saturday night.. PT says... I wanna drink! (which he's been doing alot of lately). So we pile into the car (Hachi to), and go buy some alcohol. Now.. I feel it was because we recently saw Pirates of the Carribean 2.. so we got a bottle of rum. PT was determined to finish the bottle when we got home... and between him, Bdog and myself.. yeah.. prettiest empty bottle ever. Lemme tell you.. not a fan of drinking when there's no ac. Sure I'm spoiled or whatever but damn.. I'll take a cold winter day over a blistering sunny day anytime. But yeah somewhere along the line of consuming said rum, I think I invented a new drink. Captain Morgan Rum and cream or baileys or something of the sort.. hence the drunken comment of Pirate Orgasm! (which I would so call the shot if it wasn't nasty).
Other than that hmm.. hi to everyone / anyone that still reads this thing.. Donovan is a punk slacker that I haven't heard from in awhile. People are oddly finding me and hitting me up on myspace. Some people I'm like whoa.. some I'm like wtf? while some I'm just like.. wow.. you're still alive? damn.
I'll be randomly on chat during the day until the end of August. I think I might be sharing an area with the guy training me or something so I won't really be on though I'll probably have Yahoo chat on, on my blackberry.
Wish Hachi good luck today she has a job interview. That would be good. Yes. Hahahaha... Def Lepard concert Wed night.. yeah don't ask.
Ok.. going to get down in it with this new job. Have a meeting in 30 minutes.. breathe.. breathe.. ok..
- D -
No lyrics right now because though I have a song for the day in my head.. I can't think of the name of the song or the band because I'm sleep depreviated as ususal. I blame the heat this time though.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
7/17/2006 08:43:00 AM