Ok so this is kind of gross at the same time semi-amusing. I'll apologize in advance.
The following is an Email I sent to Haruka today while I was sitting here at work hehe.
Ohmigod.. did you ever blow your nose so hard that so much or such a huge.. chunk come out that you were almost proud like giving birth?
I was so shocked and surprised I almost cried...
But.. now I can breathe through the left side of my nose I just need to have twins so I can breathe out the right side.
Ok.. just thought I'd share. Wow.
My nose kinda hurts now.. awesome but hey I can breathe wheeeeeee... only 2 hours left.. I need to invent some sort of illegal designer narcotic just so I can call it something clever like how the movie Minority Report had the drug 'Clarity'. Current modern day drugs are all like.. I need some rock.. some weed,, some heroin. Not very smart on the people who created or thought of thoe names because it's not like you can use that in everyday sentences unlike.. damn I could sure use some clarity right now. Ok this post is going downhill. Good job.
- D -
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/19/2005 03:03:00 PM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
I Guess I'll Die Another Day
So... I'm not dead still a bit sick though. Lame. Someone told me the other day I work to much / to hard which is why I'm sick. I kind of laughed and nearly cried at the thought of that because what it boils down to is.. the days of not having to be responsible are so long gone, I can't even remember them. Lame.
So Javi's wedding reception was pretty good. Got there late cuz I had to work till 5 this and that but whatever. Sat down at the table they were like.. here's your dinner. After having driven over an hour to get there I was like... SWEET!. Poor Donovan.. soon as I get there and talk to everyone and the table, we look up at him sitting at the head table and all start laughing which of course causes him to be like.. wtf? I was half expecting him to stand up in his tux and full out yell "Goddamit I hear you talking about me"... ah good times. Haruka and I didn't stay to long though. We ate, we danced, we speed back to the city. Sickness was still burning pretty hot that night.
The next night we had dinner with Dono again out in the burbs.. boo. But sall good, not like we get to see Dono everday anymore.
Haruka got me some stuff for Sweetest Day aka The Hallmark Valentine's Day for men. I got a ring that she put alot of thought into, most impressive, and a bracelet that's heavy and shiney.. kinda makes me wrap it around my knuckles and hit people with it. I'm sure however that is not her original idea when she got it for me. She's getting earrings I feel but I still have to go find some that are nice. Yes.
I need to get over being sick because there's an issue I have to deal with where someone needs to stop slacking and needs a kick in the ass or a smack to the head. Awesome.
I'll write more eventually when the sickness and or work get up off me.
Oh also had a quick check-in with Tallula and Ninja Diva today. I'm glad they're both doing well. Gotta check in with people now and then just to know they're okay, ya know?
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/18/2005 03:51:00 PM
Friday, October 14, 2005
The Things We Do In Person
So I'm slowly returning to the land of the living. I've been sick as hell for the past week now. Missed three or so days of work even. Yeah.. boss wasn't to pleased about that but ya know what.. I came in and everyone saw how sick I was and he told me to go home soooo whatever.
Haven't posted for awhile so not sure where to start. The Nine Inch Nails concert last week was pretty good. It did make me feel a bit out of place though. Almost like.. did I outgrow all of this? The people walking around with their face painted, or all punked / gothed out. I was much angrier when I was younger and I accept that. But I think the older I get.. the more I just don't let things phase me and the more nonchalant I become about everything. There were definitely a couple of things that amused me;
The lone white guy dancing.. wildy.. looking like a fool. (A couple of other people and I were just looking at him like.. wtf?)
The older larger black lady that was jamming out to NIN. (I have no response to that other than.. whoa)
The couple who though they were at an Anime convention. (If only I could speak fluent japanese I would have so fucked with them)
All the 'Crow' wannabes. (Dude.. do you know what year it is?)
The guy who thinks because he's in a mosh pit he has to take off his shirt and subject everyone else around him to his sweat. (Fucking ew)
There was however this little ass girl in the front of the pit who was holding her own let alone pushing other people around. (Impressive)
Uhh that's probably not all of it, but its all that I can remember. One other comment about the concert.. when the fuck did concert shirts becom $40 to $50??? F that.. you know what I could do with $50? Hell.. I could use it for credit card payments.. or for things like.. gas.. and food. Maybe I really am getting old.. sigh.
Aside from the concert this and that has been going on. Friend of mine moved in with Haruka and I. He needed a place to crash for a bit so why not I'm not going to leave a bro out on the street. I'm not sure what to call him on here.. hmm.
Ah crap.. I'll expand on all this later I started this 3 hours ago and I need to leave so I can make it time to go home.. change into a suit... then drive out to the burbs for Javi's wedding reception. Just damn.
- D -
Oohhh I'm gonna see Donovan tonight.. ahahah he'll prolly get drunkass to.. good times haha.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/14/2005 02:21:00 PM
Friday, October 07, 2005
Pretty Hate Machine in a Downward Spiral
I feel like I'm getting a bit to old to go to these but..
NIN Concert tonight.. bitches!
Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together Now
the farther I fall I'm beside you
as lost as I get I will find you
the deeper the wound I'm inside you
forever and ever I am a part of
you and me
we're in this together now
none of them can stop us now
we will make it through somehow
you and me
if the world should break in two
until the very end of me
until the very end of you
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/07/2005 09:01:00 AM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
And mannnny moooore
Yesterday was Haruka's birthday so I was a bit busy running around and "plotting" and all that. So I didn't have a chance to post
Tanjoubi omedetou !
Until now.
Amusing story from last night... I burned the CRAP outta my finger lighting the candles on Haruka's birthday cake. She says afterwards.. why didn't you just get me the numbers that are candles instead? My response? Because these were pink and that's your favorite color. Pfft. I win =)
Also today is Donovan's Birthday.
Slacker isn't on any of the chat programs. He's probably busy studying... studying women's asses in a bar that is. Good Job.
He's in AX so he can get his gift when he comes back to visit in a couple of weeks IF he brings my sunglasses.. get that Dono.. Sunglasses for the win. Awesome.
No lyrics or anything else big today no time cuz work still sucks. Yes. Still.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/06/2005 03:38:00 PM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Women of ASU
So Donovan has this posted on his blog.
It's apparently the ASU version of the 'Hot or Not' website.
Looking through it, it's a scale of 1 to 10 on if you think
a girl is hot. Apparenly over 700 people have voted on some
of these pics and sadly the top score is only 6. something.
What the hell kind of standards do these 700+ people have
in deciding if they think a girl is hot or not? Jeebus.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/05/2005 10:50:00 AM
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Exploding Butter !
Just a friendly word of caution: Those little plastic things of butter they give you at restaurants for your bread.. the ones that look like coffee creamers but actually have butter in them? Yeah... contents may explode under pressure.
Dhavid and Haruka at lunch. Dhavid picking one up and squeezing.. all the sudden.. PLLOOPP.. oh.. look I have butter on my hands now and it shot across the table.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/04/2005 02:45:00 PM
I've decided
That I'm going to start working out and training upstairs at work again. I feel this is mainly because they have a punching bag and I need to get some aggression and anger out.
Anger is an interesting thing I feel. It takes alot of energy to maintain a certain level of Anger / Angst and afterwards depending how angry you were, it can leave you drained mentally and physically. However, at the same time it can be what drives you and you can draw strength from it when you feel you need a little extra push.
Grr. Grr I say.
I'm trying to help one of the 'bros' and he'll be staying at my place for a bit till he and Panda Thug get a place of their own. What can we do in life besides try right?
When you stop trying, that's when you may as well lay down and die or get back up and try a different plan of attack. Otherwise. Good job, game over.
I'm annoyed that none of my local friends like Depeche Mode enough to go to a concert.. hmm.. crap come to think of it there might have been one or two people I could have hit up to go.. now I need to get tickets and they're sold out... GRR
Depeche Mode - Precious
Precious and fragile things
Need special handling
My God what have we done to you
We always tried to share
The tenderest of care
Now look what we have put you through
Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give
Angels with silver wings
Shouldn't know suffering
I wish I could take the pain for you
If God has a master plan
That only He understands
I hope it's your eyes He's seeing through
Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give
I pray you learn to trust
Have faith in both of us
And keep room in your hearts for two
Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/04/2005 10:48:00 AM
Monday, October 03, 2005
Seriously. Just Damn.
7:41am.. Email to the blackberry from my manager. Message reads. Anyone awake yet? 8:01am , call to my personal cell from manager.. blah blah blah do this do that.. my reply.. ok I'll handle it first thing when I get in.. I'm on the road right now and on my way.
Normal start time 8:30am.
I am clearly stating for the record that I hate working on projects that deal with people who are lazy or don't do their job correctly causing everyone else involved with the project to have to put in even more time and effort thereby raising their stress levels even higher... I feel like a cross between Tweak and the goth kid from South Park right now.
Plumb- Damaged
Dreaming comes so easily
'Cause it's all that
I've ever know
True love is a fairy tale
I'm damaged, so
How would I know
I'm scared and I'm alone
I'm ashamed
And I need for you to know
I didn't say all the things
That I wanted to say
And you can't take back
What you've taken away
'Cause I feel you,
I feel you near me
Healing comes so painfully
And it chills to the bone
Will anyone get close to me?
I'm damaged, as
I'm sure you know
There's mending for my soul
An ending to this fear
Forgiveness for a man
Who was stronger
I was just a little girl, but
I can't go back
I like that song at the same time.. it kind of makes me think of other bad things.. hrm.. damn good job playlist on random. GAH.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/03/2005 09:51:00 AM