Marmion: Canto vi Stanza 17
'In brief my lord, we both descried— For then I stood by Henry's side— The Palmer mount and outwards ride Upon the earl's own favorite steed. All sheathed he was in armor bright, And much resembled that same knight Subdued by you in Cotswold fight; Lord Angus wished him speed.'— The instant that Fitz-Eustace spoke, A sudden light on Marmion broke:— 'Ah! dastard fool, to reason lost!' He muttered; ''T was nor fay nor ghost I met upon the moonlight wold, But living man of earthly mould.— O dotage blind and gross! Had I but fought as wont, one thrust Had laid De Wilton in the dust, My path no more to cross.— How stand we now?— he told his tale To Douglas, and with some avail; 'T was therefore gloomed his rugged brow.— Will Surrey dare to entertain 'Gainst Marmion charge disproved and vain? Small risk of that, I trow. Yet Clare's sharp questions must I shun, Must separate Constance from the nun— Oh! what a tangled web we weave When first we practise to deceive! A Palmer too!— no wonder why I felt rebuked beneath his eye; I might have known there was but one Whose look could quell Lord Marmion.'
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Ah literature
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/25/2005 11:46:00 AM
But I want to escape to
Yeah I'm pretty surprised myself that I like this song.
Meh, what can you do.
~ dhavid
Enrique Inglesias - Escape
Here's how it goes
You and me, up and down, but maybe this time
We'll get it right
Worth the fight
Cause love is something you can't shake
When it breaks all it takes is some trying
IF you feel like leavin'
Im not gonna make you stay
But soon you'll be findin
You can run, you can hide but ou can't escape my love
You can run, you can hide but ou can't escape my love
So, if you go
You should know
It's hard just to forget the past, so fast
It was good
It was bad
but it was real
And thats all you have in the end, all that matters
IF you feel like leavin'
Im not gonna make you stay
But soon you'll be findin
You can run, you can hide but ou can't escape my love
You can run, you can hide but ou can't escape my love
You can run, you can hide but ou can't escape my love
You can run, you can hide but ou can't escape my love
Here's how it goes, all it takes is some trying
If you feel like leaving
I'm not gonna make you stay
But soon you'll be finding
You can run, you can hide but you can't escape my lvoe
If you feel like leavin
I'm not gonna make you stay
But soon you'll be fidin'
You can run you can hide but you can't escape my love
You can run (x10)
You can run, you can hide but ou can't escape my love
You can run, you can hide but ou can't escape my
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/25/2005 09:36:00 AM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Damn that's HOT!
No I'm not just talking about the women in Tempe AZ, I'm talkin about the burn your ass if you sit on the sidewalk temperatures. Misters spraying cold water are probably the best things anyone's ever invented in that area.
The drive to AZ was a bit long and for the most part uneventful. New Mexico was definitely pretty and I'll need to go back there sometime with the Nikon. And next time I'm in AZ I need to stop in Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon.. oh yeah Roswell, New Mexico!
Two words for Donovan. Las. Vegas. Just damn.
Some people join for possible hookups, this guy goes back to college haha. On the reals though, good luck with all that, I've always been proud of you.. now send me my damn sunglasses before my eyes melt.
Work is handing my ass to me. Awesome. I'll write more when I don't have a shotgun over my shoulder waiting to be fired.
- d -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/23/2005 04:24:00 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005
Hope and another lifetime
Today's song on repeat is 'Together Again' by Sash!. It's so loud I think my ears are going to bleed but that's okay because I love this song. It's a song that's like a soundtrack to a movie with a hero or heroine making a promise to the one they love. Making a promise that one day no matter what they will return and the two will be united again.
Am I overthinking the song? Probably. At the same time I also like it because songs that convey emotions that can just suck you in are great. This song gives you hope and makes you want to cheer. While say 'Immortal' or 'Hello' from Evanescence makes you want to slit your wrists. It's the point that the music has the ability to move you and to make you feel something even if you don't want to. Is it a good or bad thing? Yes.
Back to work and listening to this song.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/15/2005 02:05:00 PM
Help, I need a gypsy
A conversation Haruka and I had the other night she mentioned it looked like I had a short life line on my palm. Awesome. So that's been banging around in my head. How much do I believe in pre-destined things and fate? It's such a hard question. Because here's the thing.. we're supposed to have free will, and I can say all I want that I make my own destiny and follow my own choices.. at the same time, that doesn't meant that every decision I make wasn't already pre-destined... DOH!..
So check this site out I just read my palm using it, well to the best of my ability in the current low lighting conditions in the office right now.
They have a section where you can fill out the questions and get a generic reading. Generic or not.. I'm not really sure how to react to mine...
Dear Dhavid,
Here is your personal palm reading! This will be a general reading of your palm, and what it says about you and your personality. Enjoy.
First let's take a look at your Life Line. Your Life Line is short and strong, which shows vitality and drive, as well as a strong ability to overcome health problems. The wavey quality of your Life Line does seem to indicate that you may experience variable health, and that you may not always be very energetic. When the Life Line crosses the palm, as it does in you case, it indicates a life affected by travel. Your life may also be heavily influenced by imagination. A chained Life Line indicates various health problems, both physical and emotional. Many people with allergies have such a line as well.
Now let's see what your Head Line had to say. The light and wavy quality of your Head Line seems to mimic the way you think. While you don't necessarily lack intellectuality, you don't always think about things in much depth, and sometimes you may have problems concentrating on more than one thing at a time. A chained Head Line shows agitation and tension at different points in your life. The joining of your Head Line and Life Line at the beginning indicates that your strong sense of mind generally rules over your body. You also look at childhood with a cautious and fearful outlook.
The last line we'll look at is your Heart Line. A selfish and materialistic look at love is characteristic to those like you whose Heart Line start below the middle finger. A long Heart Line like yours, running almost all the way across the palm, represents an idealist in love. In love you tend to look for those whose status rises above your own, and you have a great respect for them. Those little lines you see running downward from your Heart Line indicate disappointments in love.
You have a spade-shaped hand. This is the hand of an inventor. You are probably very good with all things mechanical. Often those who've forged new paths in science and engineering have a spade-shaped hand. Women who have this type of hand enjoy do-it-yourself projects (decorating and sewing). It also gives these women a manual dexterity greater than most men have.
Just damn. That's almost as spot on as the fortune teller I saw in New Orleans a couple of years ago. If there's any truths in fortune telling, I feel the creepy lady in the back room of the voodoo shop I was in would be the real deal (if that exists).
On a sidenote I saw Skeleton Key over the weekend. The repeating mantra of If you don't believe it can't hurt you.. I don't agree with that. It's the arguement of say, the devil. The classic line of "I don't believe in the devil", responded with ,"That doesn't mean he doesn't believe in you". Sure you should keep an open mind about things, but sometimes it's a little much and you're just like.. screw this. If this or that is real, and if things are destined to happen.. then what the hell.
Personally I'm hoping that if something is "written in the stars" for me, that it doesn't suck complete ass because who wants to grow up to be a cosmic joke?
PS And no, I was not smoking 'the pot' while writing this.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/15/2005 10:18:00 AM
Venture forth little tadpole
Ok, so Donovan isn't the same 15 year old little brother that had "Serious Fun With a Laser Gun", anymore but still. I just wanted to clearly say that I'm proud of both him and his younger brother way formlery known as Kid Thunder. I've always tried to play the role of older brother to these two and two others. Not so much because I thought they needed it but probably more because I felt that I would have liked an older brother at some points in my life as well. I'm rambling, it's hard to put down those thoughts on paper but the point is I'm proud of all of them and if ever they needed me, I'd be there for them. Though Dono, try not to get into trouble because if I have to fly to AZ to much I might melt or be forced to live off of the water found inside a cactus!
Dido - Here With Me
I didn't hear you leave
I wonder how am I still here
And I don't want to move a thing
It might change my memory
Oh I am what I am
I'll do what I want
But I can't hide
I won't go
I won't sleep
I can't breathe
Until you're resting here with me
I won't leave
I can't hide
I cannot be
Until you're resting here with me
I don't want to call my friends
They might wake me from this dream
And I can't leave this bed
Risk forgetting all that's been
[Chorus ]
PS. Call me a chick for having this picked out but, this is the song that one day I'm going to dance to at my wedding.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/15/2005 08:57:00 AM
Friday, August 12, 2005
Oh hey look at that
So I was checking my Yahoo email this morning before starting on all this crapass work I have to do and this story pops up.
This is a quote from the story.
"It wasn't on a map, no one on the trail crew knew about it. People who been here 27 years had never seen it," said Milestone, who is leading an effort to clear a trail to the newly named Whiskeytown Falls. It's expected to be finished by next summer."
Wtf.. assholes. How do you "discover" a waterfall? It's not like it just came outta nowhere and it's not in some remote rain forest deep in the jungle by the giant Anacondas. Anyway, that story made me laugh and it helps illustrate that regardless of what field you work in or wherever you are, there will always be slacker ass slackers that are as useful as a umbrella with holes in it. (It's raining out right now in Chicago)
I'm going to start slapping management with a trout if they don't give me a "market value adjustment" in the very near future that's independent of any future promotions and performance reviews. Grr. Grr I say.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/12/2005 08:55:00 AM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Some Things Just.. Are.
So I was chatting with a friend of mine and she sends me this link. And my reply to this was that "my primary thought when looking at this page is ohh look at the pretty color." And I can accept that some people are definitely more intelligent than I am.. but that's ok because ya know, it gives me something to work harder for. Damn if I want to ever get stuck at a cocktail party and not be able to discuss the inner workings of the cellular structure of a genome and all of its genetic content whether it be contained in a haploid set of chromosomes in eukaryotes, in a single chromosome in bacteria, or in the DNA or RNA of viruses...
Over the weekend some I visited some friends who recently moved into the city about 5 minutes from me. These guys are younger and they're going to college downtown. Walking into their place was hilarious. It was like.. Bachelor pad meets Internet Cafe meets Real World College Dorm room. Needless to say.. we played video games till 4 or so in the morning when I figured it'd be best to go home before the sun was up completely.
I was doing a Yahoo search on names since I was bored.. I found a couple of entries for myself which was bad since it was links to things like really bad teenage poetry. Needless to say.. those pages were found and removed hehe or at least made unsearchable.
This coming weekend is Donovan's going away party. Damn. People are gonna be drunk as hell... ah well what can you do. Hmm I got 5 minutes to get ready for this meeting... doh
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/09/2005 09:41:00 AM
Monday, August 01, 2005
Someone give this guy a hug
And mebbe some loose change so he can get a sammich.
Akon - Mr Lonely
I'm so lonely (so lonely),
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (i have nobody)
For my owwnn(to call my owwnn)
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (i have nobody)
for my owwnn (to call my own owwnn)
I woke up in the middle of the night and I noticed my girl wasn't by my side, coulda' sworn I was dreamin', for her I was feenin, so I hadda take a little ride, back tracking ova' these few years, tryna' figure out wat I do to make it go bad, cause, ever since my girl left me, my whole life came crashin
Cant believe I hadda girl like you and I just let you walk right outta my life, after all I put you thru you still stuck
around and stayed by my side, what really hurt me is I broke your heart, baby you were a good girl and I had no right, I
really wanna make things right, cause without you in my life girl,
Been all over the world ain't neva met a girl that can take the things that you been through
Never thought the day would come where you would get up and run and I would be out chasing you cause ain't nowhere in the globe I'd rather be, ain't no one in the globe I'd rather see, then the girl of my dreams that made me be so happy but now so lonely.
Never thought that I'd be alone, I didnt know you'd be gone this long, I just want you to call my phone, so stop playing girl and come on home (come on home), baby girl I didn't mean to shout, I want me and you to work it out, I never wished I'd ever hurt my baby, and its drivin' me crazy cause...
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/01/2005 12:25:00 PM
Oh right, also I saw Stealth over the weekend. I have to say I really liked it. If you like jets and such, it's a very pretty movie. The CG / Model work was pretty seamless. The only issue I had which I guess I'm ok with is the fact that it's VERY similar to some anime I've watched. Mainly Macross Plus and Yukikaze. I'm just waiting for a Hollywood to come out with a live-action Robotech, hell they're already working on a live-action Transformers movie.
Also my LCD flat panel came in today.. WOOT! Now I just have to carry it home and attempt to hook it up while moving my old monitor amidst being attacked by cats with very sharp claws... maybe I should cut their nails first.
Also while downstairs earlier some random lady started talking to me. She kind of lost me when she started talking about signs and being a fellow Aquarius and all that, but whatever she did offer some good advice for the AZ trip for Donovan and I. I'm thinking we're going to plot through Colorado instead of Kansas. This should be an adventure haha hope his car doesn't break down.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/01/2005 12:14:00 PM
Blood Makes Noise
I live in cathouse!
Well ok not what you would think is a cathouse, but I have two kitties on the prowl now hehe. Let's see if Joan can sell her place before the cats decide my TV or my computer look tasty.
Along with the cats came a bag of stuff from my old car. Most of it was junk and got tossed but I did manage to save two cassette tapes. For those of you that are to young to know what a cassette tape is.. see this site. Awesome. Where's my ipod hmm.
So recently in Chicago, they passed the law that while driving you must use a headset for your cellphone. If not, you get pulled over and ticketed. Each offense raises the amount you are charged. That's fine and well, I went to Best Buy and picked one up for $20 and it's normal looking. Last night however.. Haruka and I were driving back from Chili'sbecause I had a taste for ribs.. and we see this guy driving next to us. I'll give this guy props for adhering to the law but DAMN. With his headset, dude looked like he was landing planes or working in a Burger King drive thru. Tokyo? Come in Tokyo.. can you hear me now? It was ginormous!
All for now. Work and all.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
8/01/2005 09:07:00 AM