Being an Aquarius, I can't say I'm totally surprised with the results of this.
From Intrinsecus:
Take this test
Check here for a better description of your results
My results:
Intrinsecus is borderline ENTJ and ENTP. Crap. That means I have to go get him a latte if he asks me for one. Boooooooo hehe
ISTJ - The Duty Fulfillers
ESTJ - The Guardians
ISFJ - The Nurturers
ESFJ - The Caregivers
ISTP - The Mechanics
ESTP - The Doers
ESFP - The Performers
ISFP - The Artists
ENTJ - The Executives
INTJ - The Scientists
ENTP - The Visionaries
INTP - The Thinkers
ENFJ - The Givers
INFJ - The Protectors
ENFP - The Inspirers
INFP - The Idealists
Sigh. Awesome.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Destiny and Fate?
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/25/2005 02:51:00 PM
Monday, January 24, 2005
I think you have my stapler...
So yes.. here's a minute out of the day in my life. I'm sitting here at work and I clicked my stapler and was playing with a staple. I bent it a bit and it looks like a spaceship or fighter craft of some kind to me. So naturally, I click more staples and bend more thus creating a squadron of staple fighters. I put them in in a V formation being that there's five of them. Then I think.. huh they need someone to fight with.. click click click click. Ah ha! Four more staple fighters in a diamond formation approaching quickly from the east! Then I think ohh I wonder what other flight formations there are so Yahoo! search it is.. flight formations = first couple hits are about UFO flight formations... well ok so ten or fifteen minutes reading about UFOs goes by then I'm like crap I should work more.. then I'm like crap I can't put my arm here to use my mouse because my staple fighter squadrons are in the way. *sigh* You see what I have to deal with at work sometimes?
This morning was nice. I'm crashing at Joan's while I watch 'the kids'. I woke up this morning and they were cute all fuzzy and sleeping on me... er yes.. by kids I mean two cats for all you sickos out there.
Friday was kind of.. there.. this weekend was also kind of there. I didn't do shit. No seriously. Not a damn thing. I think I watched tivo, played some warcraft and randomly ate and used the washroom. Yes. I am a winner. Hum.. Haruka moves in next Sunday so I suppose weekends like that won't happen very often.
Ah crap.. I need to file my taxes soon, I need money.
Uhhhh ok my staple fighters and I are going to get back to work now.
Hopefully the rest of the week won't be a 'Stabbing Westward' kind of week like Friday and the weekend was, eh?
So Wrong - Stabbing Westward
Wasted thoughts of you
Useless prayers to you
Give me back my mind
I'm empty inside
What have I become?
Everything's undone
A candle burns here in your honor
My soul, a shrine I've built for you
I've got nothing left inside me
Nothing left inside but you
Can't seem to pretend
This night has to end
I can't fill this hole
You are all I know
It's so wrong that I need you
It's so wrong that I need abuse
It's so wrong that I need you
So wrong that I'm scared I'll die alone
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/24/2005 11:26:00 AM
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Analyze THIS!
"Finally, Counter-Strike players resemble a youth subculture (Hebdige 1979, 1988; Thornton 1996) that can enter "liminoid" or liminal-like genre that promotes a temporary "limbo" of statuslessness, flow and movement (Turner 1982), a refashioning of time and community (Bruckman 1996; Bryce and Rutter 2000). This creative re-shaping of everyday life through play is an example of what Brian Sutton-Smith describes when he speaks of play and games as "anti-structural" occasions for "experimentation with variable repertoires" and "making free with a given social heritage." Sutton-Smith notes that "we may be disorderly in games either because we have an overdose of order, and want to let off steam, or because we have something to learn through being disorderly (1972)."
... ya know.. what happened to.. I like to play games and own people? I think society tries to over analyze things sometimes. Here let me anaylyze this and show you what I mean.
When things like Columbine and all that happened.. people blamed video games.. violence in movies and tv whatever.. did anyone once stop to consider.. damn maybe those kids were straight dumbasses? I hate to be the bearer of the bad news but yes.. there are sometimes just straight crazy people in the world and people who just should not have been allowed to live at birth. If the human race had it like some of the animals of the world, not everyone would have made it. Think about the little sea turtles. They hatch, then they have to run like Forest Gump to the water before getting picked off by birds and other random predators. Man. Now THAT'S stress and at such a young age. It's not like they're jacked into the Matrix while in their eggs learning kung-fu and the ways of the ninja.
So yeah.. that's all I got for right now.
Oh. And the spellcheck for blogspot sucks. How does it not know what a NINJA is??
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/18/2005 04:05:00 PM
Monday, January 17, 2005
Simple and Clean
Meh. Work has been sucking. I'm hopeful that after the new position starts on Feb 1st things will get better. This weekend I did absopositively.. nothing. Played some Warcraft, watched some sci-fi , watched some anime and sat on my futon. Ok I suppose I did four loads of laundry.. course I still need to fold it all since my clean clothes slept on the bed last night while I in fact slept on the futon. It's all good though, it's nice to have a mental health weekend like that. Sides it's HELLA cold out.. I mean seriously right now its 10.. yes.. 1-0 Ten. With the windchill it feels like -5. Awesome.
One of the reasons I feel it's a good thing that Haruka went back to SF for a little bit is because it makes me realize that yes.. I do in fact miss her alot. She's been stressing and frustrated by the lack of help by her local peeps. Slackers. All of them. Sorry I can't be there to help with all that Haruka :(
Meh.. I need to go grocery shopping. I think my fridge has a half empty bottle of Evian in it and maybe some Eggo Waffles.
On a funnier note.. let's see how I do in the gym today after only 4 hours of sleep last night haha..
Oh and if you haven't watched Battlestar Galactica.. go watch it now! Hell if you've watched it, go watch it again! It's so great.. makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
- D -
Song of the day goes to Haruka
* When you walk away
You don't hear me say please
Oh baby, don't go
Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
It's hard to let it go
You're giving me too many things
Lately you're all I need
You smiled at me and said,
Don't get me wrong I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?
When we are older you'll understand
What I meant when I said "No,
I don't think life is quite that simple"
Repeat *
The daily things that keep us all busy
Are confusing me
That's when you came to me and said,
Wish I could prove I love you
But does that mean I have to walk on water?
When we are older you'll understand
It's enough when I say so
And maybe some things are that simple
repeat *
** Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all
Nothing's like before
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/17/2005 02:21:00 PM
Thursday, January 13, 2005
WOO HOO! Why Sci-Fi ?
Ok. Haruka's back in SF right now packing. My apartment is reasonably clean. So that means it's gaming / anime / sci-fi time!
And and and and Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Andromeda = all new episodes! GEEKS and DORKS round the world are crying out in happiness heheh. Now it's not like that's the only thing I watch but hey, I like it, so there.
Haruka borrowed Evangelion from me and has been watching that. Now to buy Raxhephon so she can watch where her namesake is from.
I came into work late today. I guess last night I set my alarm clock and all but I failed to actually turn it on. Good job Dhavid. Awesome.
I'll post more later trying to stay under the radar at work today.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/13/2005 01:17:00 PM
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Nani ?
First off I'd like to say that all yall's blogs that I read.. update already. I understand the holidays and all but cmon now people it's already 1/11/2005. So let's see where to start.
I got the position I was going for at work. This is a good thing as I knew exactly who I was going up against for it and had one of the other candidates gotten it, I feel I'd have to go drown myself in a bucket of flan. Why a bucket of flan you say? Well because if I changed my mind about drowning myself I could at least enjoy a tasty treat. As of February 1st the new title will be "Knowledge Management Specialist" .... hahahahha.. I manage knowledge.. awesome. During one of my interviews this girl was like.. "Wow I was hoping to have stumped you with one of these questions." My reply ? " Ask me a math question. " Luckily she did not in fact ask me a math question else I would have had to carry the one and myself, out of her office, instead she laughed =)
Ok so I know other people have had to of run into this.. have you ever met someone that looks EXACTLY like someone else you know? Let alone someone you know when they get older or when they were younger? That girl I mentioned I interviewed with I swear looks like Tallulah.. or at least how she would look in 5 to 10 years. I tell Tallulah this and she's like.. Dhavid you think everyone looks like me.. DOH! That's so not true. *grump*
On to the Haruka update. Haruka came back to Chicago for New Years and went back to SF yesterday. Right now the plan is she's going to move here at the end of the month and stay at my place until she gets a new job, is stable and has some cash saved up for her own place. Then after that she'll get her own place for maybe a year. From there on we'll see how it goes but so far I'm hopeful. My place is just way to small for me let alone for two people and maybe a cat or two.
Haruka , Intrinsecus and I went bowling before she left. Man. I'll admit she beat me at Air Hockey. But I blame the table and maintain that if it's a videogame, I will in fact own her!. Bowling wise those two were playing in their own game while I'd randomly be like look! A strike! I don't in fact suck!
Ooohhhh I get to play some Warcraft again.. WOOT! :P
And yeah. That's all I got. I still have to give Joan her Xmas gift. Not bad it's not like its almost mid January.. oh wait.. doh!
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/11/2005 01:12:00 PM
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Somebody Told Me
You had a boyfriend
Who looks like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential
I've got potential
A rushin', a rushin' around
Yup that song's playing in the background right now. Got a pretty big interview tomorrow for a different position at work. Could be good and would be a raise so cross your fingers for me.
First thing's first.. Happy New Years 2005!
Been a little off lately. No really sure why. Just am. Been back and forth to the various suburbs way to much this past week. I've gone through like THREE full tanks of gas already. *groan* .
I don't think I ask for much in life. Give me an internet connection, video games, anime and sci fi on a big TV and I'm good to go. Some purring kittens laying on my lap sleeping or a good loyal dog lay on the floor next to the couch would be nice to.
My head hurts. I'm hungry. I need to go work out and beat the punching bag to a not so bloody pulp.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
1/04/2005 11:00:00 AM