So its occurred to me that Joan uses DH as one of her designations and that I'm using Devil Hunter for one. They are in fact not the same person. In fact if you ask what DH stands for she has a semi amusing story about where that name originated hehe. Hmm I suppose to avoid confusion though Devil Hunter will be renamed to Haruka which is the name of one of the main characters from the anime Rahxephon. I would rename her to Sakura, but over the years I've associated that name with Tallulah, ask her about her Sakura doll I got her years ago hehe.
I think alot of everything and nothing has been going on lately. Saw The Incredibles last night, I have to say the guy who wrote it must have watched alot of Bond movies and sci fi while indulging in comic books as a kid. Overall though, it's pretty great and probably my fav Pixar flick to date.
I'm sooooo slacking right now at work. My boss is out of town for three weeks so I'm just kinda like screw you! while posting on my blog instead of ya know, being productive and all that. I've definitely been playing to much DragonBall Z Boudaki 3for PS2. It's actually the best DBZ fighting game they've made so far hehe.
Let's see so what's coming up..
Having dinner tonight with Tallulah, yay for that =)
Saturday I'm going with Joan to celebrate her Mom's birthday at a fancy country club dealy... glad my suit's still clean from the wedding last week doh!
Sunday.. Haruka is coming to visit for a bit, after that is anyone's guess. Fear the possibility of going to sing Karaoke. I blame Evil Ed for that.
Oh oh and I'm taking the week of December 5th off of work. WOO HOO! It's like an early Xmas gift !
"What we do in life, echoes an eternity" - Maximus, Gladiator
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Kamehameha !
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/30/2004 11:38:00 AM
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Kawaii Na
Wow.. busy past couple of days. At home now been hanging out for a little bit. It's 3:43am right now. Just got done talking with one of the lil bros. 'Panda Thug' is on his way over. We're gonna go hang tomorrow and go to Mitsuwa for lunch and instead of coming out tomorrow he's just going to drive out tonight. Ok let's recap the past couple of days.
Thanksgiving Day - I spent with Joan and her family. Thanks to her and her parents for letting me latch on and for feeding me, hell I still have leftovers.. mmmm.. punkin pie.. yes punkin.
Tallulah and her bf are out of town so that means I've been watching my God Kitties. They're so cute all like FEED ME when I go over to her place hehe.. course then they lay on their backs and are like GIVE ME ATTENTION! So after 45minutes of petting the cats I can go hehe.
Today er well Friday ( technically it's still Friday since I haven't gone to sleep yet ), I went to a co worker/friend's wedding. It was a straight up traditional Chinese Buddhist wedding. It's always interesting to see people being married from different cultures, though in the end the same message is there. Love one another. One of the things the uhhhh reverend guy said was "Marriage does not mean two people become one, rather they still remain two separate individuals that come together in love and love eachother for their differences." Damn.. sniff.. ok I'm better now. The ceremony was actually pretty short. Alot of bell ringing in the beginning (hard to explain) and only about 25 minutes or so of actual talking and vows etc. The reception was pretty fun actually. Work had three tables of people so about maybe 15 or so of us.. leaving the other uhh 350+ people to family and relatives or random Chinese people that wanted a free dinner.. ohmigod I didn't mention.. the dinner was an 11 Course Meal!!! WTF?! 11 courses?! Hell that's more than the number of classes I take per quarter in school. But everything was hella good. Yes I said hella.
I've been talking with Devil Hunter alot lately and I think it's starting to rub off on me.. soon I'll be all West Coast and saying 'hella' and 'hekka' ahhhh noooooo :P She told me she's going to teach me Japanese someday.. that'll be neat, then I can watch anime without subtitles and actually KNOW what they're saying! hehe. Yes.. I'm easily amused I know.
Taking the month of December off of school. They offer a December term which is just the month of December. Classes run 2 days a week and only give 1 credit. Quick thing but I decided to relax and go to Winter Quarter starting in January. Gotta remember to register for that on Monday. Man. School pwns me.
Been gaming a bit again lately just because I've actually had time to breathe and well hey it's cheaper than going out to the bars and all that. List of games I've been playing or have beaten recently;
Halo 2 (Xbox)
Counterstrike:source (PC)
Half Life 2 (PC)
Dead or Alive:ultimate (XBox)
Def Jam Fight for New York (PS2)
So many games.. so little time and money ahhhhhh.
Wow.. hella long post huh? Yes.. I think it is.. ok lil bro should be here soon. Ending this with a lovely phrase.
Anata wa haru ichiban no sakura no yoni utsukushii.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/27/2004 03:39:00 AM
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Gobble Gobble?!
What up ,
So today was the first day of snow in Chicago for this winter season. It's official and I've broken out jacket's bigger warmer self. Lets see three things of note before I head out into the cold to go to school to register for next quarter...
1. First and foremost, Congrats to 'Tallulah Fondue' on being invited to be a company member for a very sweet theatre group in Chicago. Never had a doubt, they were just taking their sweet time is all T =)
2. Intro for 'Devil Hunter' in San Fran. Apparently we're going to go to Japan and conveniently... she speaks Japanese! Sounds like a plan. I'll bring my Nikon and be all like what.. you all do it when you come to the states, stick my tongue out and blow fifty rolls of film =) Of course with DH being a girl.. I don't know if she'll translate " Hoy, where can we go to eat Sushi off of naked chicks?" correctly for me. Here's hoping that it'll happen and we can jet away to the land of the rising sun hmm?
3. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Most of you know as far as holidays go I only have two words. "Man screw that." Did I mention I was never good at math? For reals though everyone enjoy and be safe, and holla at me to come help with leftovers muhahaha.
Think I'm going to take a tip from 'Donovan' and start posting something at the end of my posts. He uses quotes and ya know.. deep things. Me? More song lyrics ahhhhh!
Tallulah this is for you:
Encore - Jay Z
"Now can I get an encore, do you want more
Cookin raw with the Brooklyn boy
So for one last time I need y'all to roar
Now what the hell are you waitin for
After me, there shall be no more
So for one last time, nigga make some noise"
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/24/2004 02:33:00 PM
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Dumb has been freaking out the past couple of times I've tried posting and subsequently has caused me to lose several posts.. lame.
Sooo I had a bunch of stuff I had wanted to post but now since I've slept since then I don't remember what it was.
Meh. Either way. Happy Birthday today ' M '.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/18/2004 03:21:00 PM
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Almost over
Finals are almost over.. then I get a couple weeks off.. then a class for just the month of December.. then January the next quarter starts.. I should prolly go register for classes or something..
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/11/2004 01:13:00 PM
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Boooooo Hsssss
Finals... finals are owning me.. that and my elite slacker nature that makes me not want to work on them.. I just want to sleep. Sleep... and purr.. and sleep some more. Then I'd like to make waffles!.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/03/2004 03:08:00 PM