Let's see not alot of time today but alot on my mind 3 separate non related things actually.
1. Pro Sports - Last night I went to a Cubs game. It was a bit chilly but whatever it was fun. I have come to the conclusion however, that pro sports pisses me off. Here you have these people playing a game they loved to begin with and are getting paid freaking bank to play.. yet here and there they'll be like *whiiiiiine* we want more money! ... All the while there are more important things going on in the world. Like kids going hungry. I mean, props to the athletes that actually try to give back and help with charities like Lance Armstrong and his LiveStrong bracelets, that's pretty cool. But the athletes that just make bank and don't do anything good with that money.. ya'll suck.
2. Americans. People from all over - Now.. if someone said to me... hey, people are in trouble, they need someone to fight for them or to protect them, I would be ready to go on a moments notice. But fighting for profit , greed, or personal gain.. that pisses me off. People who have everything or live in a life of comforts and luxury often forget or intentionally turn a blind eye to those who are not as fortunate. I don't understand why people can't get over their differences. Imagine what we as a race could accomplish if people didn't squabble over land or religion or what have you. People need to learn how to compromise. True you can't make everyone happy all of the time.. but if you're an asshole about things, that won't help. I think I understand why some people from other countries don't generally like Americans so much. I need to win the lottery so I can move to another country. Mmmm.. maybe Australia.. G'day Mate, let's go pick up some Sheilas!
3. Jackets - I have this black Banana Republic mid-length jacket that I feel I like to much. In fact, I'm almost intimate with it. What can I say, we've been through alot together. Slept on many a floors together and huddled for warmth while keeping eachother company. I love you jacket! What can I say.. women have ya know.. shoes.. purses.. whatever.. I have jackets.. oh well and a thing for cars too, but overall jackets are cheaper. It makes me think about when I was younger I used to wear a long black trench coat (yes before The Matrix), with a white smiley face button on the lapel. Pretty harmless. Then there was that incident where some asshole high school kids went on a killing spree and called themselves 'The Trench Coat Mafia'. And for awhile after that people who wore trench coats were shunned. I remember I walked into work a week after the incident and got some stares from people. At that moment I hadn't realized what the big deal was and when I did I was just like.. whatever it's cold piss off!. I mean.. if people went around on a killing spree wearing Abercombie or Tommy clothes, would everyone suddenly stop wearing them?! The North Face Jacket serial killer! ahhhhhhh ruuuuun!... stupid people I swear.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
I Can't Stop Raving I Can't Stop Raving
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/29/2004 01:44:00 PM
Monday, September 27, 2004
The Things We Do
I'll never understand the human need to kick ourselves or other's when we're down. I know other people do this too, where you may or may not be in a good mood, or hell you may already be hella sad but yet.. you whip out your trendy little iPod and pick the 'I should kill myself' playlist consisting of nothing but depressing love songs. Maybe it's just the need for the extremes instead of just letting things ring a subtle tune. Stabbing Westward lyrics "If I must be lonely, I think I'd rather be alone" , "I am not your savior, I am just as fucked as you".
Right. Enough of that, this is starting to sound like that live journal entry that I linked to in my very first post hehe. It's been a damn week and I'm still sick. Freaking plague needs to get off me. When I was younger, I used to game *alot*. Then I grew out of it and decided it's better to socialize with people in public. Now with full time work / school I'm thinking.. back to gaming it is ! hehe.
This post sucks. Sorry. I'll work on getting something of worth on here when I'm feeling better. Boo.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/27/2004 10:18:00 AM
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
The Plague
Yes.. I seem to have gotten the plague. Maybe I'll be able to spread it to coworkers I don't like. Ah yes.. the brighter side of feeling like crap.
Project due on Friday.. Paper due in oh... sometime tonight. Wow.. this is one of those times where if you say "What else could happen?" Godzilla walks out of the water and trashes your town and lightning strikes you in the same place more than once.
Im mellllllting I'm melllllting .. what a world what a world..
So yeah, I'll post more when I'm not feeling like crap.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/22/2004 10:10:00 AM
Thursday, September 16, 2004
The geeky tourist
So the other day after work I went upstairs to the gym with one of my coworkers. She's currently studying for her black belt in TaeKwonDo. So, we were upstairs sparring then afterwards I did some weights whatever. So I'm walking to school after all that and I'm walkin along jamming out to my iPod and about ten minutes later I looked up at the street signs.. my first thought was.. hey wait, that street doesn't belong here? Then I looked around some more and was like.. Where the hell am I ??? .. Apparently I had somehow fallen into a wormhole and walked in a reaaaally big circle and had no clue where I was. So.. like an asshole, I had to ask someone where State and Jackson is. The stranger was kind enough to point me in the right direction. I told him I was a tool and not from his country and thanked him. I don't think he believed me. meh.
Yesterday, I noticed that I still do something in my head that I've done since I was a kid. I think it's caused by having been raised on much sci-fi and anime growing up. Sometimes I measure in my head how tired I am or how much strength I have and I'm all like.. hmm.. Energy at 62%, reserves at 30%. Shields? Weapons? Ahhh most days not so much. Specially with the lack of sleep this week. It's a geeky thing but at least it helps me figure out how much energy I really feel I have for the remainder of the day. What can you learn from this nonsense ? Always keep a reserve... you never know when you need to kick someone in the nuts.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/16/2004 01:35:00 PM
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Uranus is in Retrograde
Ok.. I have to say astrology and all that crap, yes crap, sometimes just annoys me. I have the horoscopes of a couple of different signs setup to show whenever I login to my yahoo. There are often days that it's waaaaaay to accurate. I have to say, most people I know that are a certain sign or other, have lived up to expectations of said sign. Freaking waterbearer my ass. Many times after reading my daily horoscope, I swear I can hear the voice of Bender from Futurama saying " I'm Boned .. "
For example, check out today's delight..
"There's a new game afoot -- maybe one that you hadn't anticipated. Ready or not, you're going to be a major player in it, too. Fortunately, you're a quick study and the rules aren't that hard to learn. Your heart is eager to lead the way, but your head is taking a more logical approach. Listen to what both sides have to say before making your final decision as to which gets to lead. Heck, maybe they could even share the position"
Not as bad as the ones I usually get but still. It translates to haha, suck it up slacker you don't have a choice.
I'm all for believing in fate and destiny, sure.. but I also like to believe that no one is predestined to do anything they don't want to. I don't believe some people are just born bad or born good. It's all about the effort you put into it yourself. If you don't like the way something is going.. then get off your ass and do something about it. Whining never solved anything neither does self pity. Instead, keep your head up and charge forward while grinning and giving whatever gets in your way the finger. Yes. Make it so.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/14/2004 04:22:00 PM
Sonic Implosion
Ok.. this site is just to funny not to share. Damn Asians.. we mod anything with wheels. Hide your shopping carts, they're next !
Make sure to check out the nighttime pictures.. what's up Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
So nothing else really right now. One more week until the rest of the classes start so I'm just slowing biding my time. Not motiviated at all really at work, just kind of like whatever there. Everytime someone's like wow hey I haven't seen you for awhile and they ask.. " What have you been up to ? " The answer's been.. um.. nothing much, you? That's lame. I'd like to be able to answer with something like.. "Well, I became a professional hitman and I was on my way to your place, what are you up to and gimme your wallet chump!."
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/14/2004 01:04:00 PM
Monday, September 13, 2004
The human psyche
So over the weekend I had my first psych class. It's interesting to say that the class is with people mostly older than myself and it leaves me sitting there kinda like... huh. It's obvious that the age difference causes conflicts with the others as they view things very differently from me.. or maybe I view things differently from them. What bothers me about the whole psychology thing is.. pretty much when it comes down to it, everyone in the world has some sort of disorder/disfunction and if you say you're happy or you have no problems, you're just in denial. Wow.. that kinda sucks, eh?
Also saw Resident Evil 2 over the weekend with CallMeJoan and we both observed the numerous kids present with their parents well under the age of 13. It's an ' R ' rated movie.. lots of blood, gore whatever, yet these parents are totally ok with that or couldn't take the time to get a baby sitter? It's no wonder that a lot of kids nowadays are so totally desensitizing to violence and horror. Good job "parents". It just goes to show that any fool can make a baby.
This is the first "full" week of work I'm having in like the past 3 weeks. I can honestly say I am not looking forward to it. I think I got spoiled doing whatever I wanted on the week long vacation I had over the labour day weekend. It's nice to be responsible and be able to pay the bills and all sure, but I feel if I ever won the lottery I'd be one of those people who would do absolutely nothing, just because I could.. at least for a little while. Then I'd have to get back on track on my goal of taking over the world or at least maybe a small island mmm island.
Oh on a sidenote in reference to Ms. Fondue's Arby's Low Carby ad.. mmm Phase 1 starting today again.. meh..
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/13/2004 08:41:00 AM
Friday, September 10, 2004
The triumphant return
I recently went on a road trip with two close friends up to Toronto Canada. It was I guess my last hurrah before returning to a life of full time work and full time school. I learned a couple things on that trip. The most important of all is that it doesn't matter where you are, as long as you have friends you know don't in fact, suck. I also learned, if you decide to go fishing and rent a boat, if they are all out of boats with engines, deciding to rent a row boat is *not* a good idea if you're the only one that will be rowing. Admitedly, it was pretty damn amusing being in the middle of a lake catching nothing but bluegulls (sunfish) and then having to row back and forth to the dock. I was pretty surprised we didn't tip the boat actually.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/10/2004 12:52:00 PM
Peer pressure and the powers of suggestion
So here we are late in 2004. I've had a personal website going for more years than I can remember, have signed up on countless blog sites and never really bothered to post. I think I was mainly turned off from the whole eblogging thing by livejournal. This explains how I usually feel about blogs. But well, I'm jumping on the bandwagon with some others who recently started keeping blogs. Why not, eh?
Anyway I'm still undecided if I'm going to post here on a daily basis or not. I'm sure that I'll probably get bored enough and my mundane corporate job to post so here's a couple of things I can guarantee you will not see in this blog.
- Big words that you need to look up in a dictionary to understand. ( I mean seriously. This isn't something you should read and have a brain cramp on afterwards
- Porn.
- Me trying to push my beliefs on others. ( Though I'm sure I'll be able to argue some points. Like how I feel a sail boat is simply not fast enough to pull someone on water skis.
- Any sort of order or structure... though I am using bullet points right now.. damn you corporate world give me my soul back !
- Proper punctuation and proper grammar. ( This isn't a freaking term paper, get off me )
Ah well.. back to work for a little bit.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/10/2004 12:50:00 PM