Wow.. you would think it wouldn't be so hard to volunteer to go overseas to help with victims of the Tsunami disasater but well.. it is. All of the relief organizations are like.. donate money! donate money! and I'm just like.. I got no money I'm trying to donate myself you slackers.
I should probably get my passport updated...
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Disaster Recovery
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
12/29/2004 01:38:00 PM
New Year's
On a surpise note, Haruka is coming back to town and will be spending New Year's in Chicago. I feel this is a good thing ^_^ .
Tallulah flies back into town on Thursday after spending Xmas with her family and Haruka flies in on Friday so I'll be going back and forth to the airport like my name was Kato.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
12/29/2004 01:50:00 AM
Monday, December 27, 2004
Also I wanted to say my thoughts and my prayers are with those who suffered losses in the tsunami that hit in southeast Asia. My dad may be a jackass and all, but I still hope he's ok since he's over there somewhere.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
12/27/2004 10:54:00 AM
The Needs of The Few or The One
On a sidenote, after writing the last post I want to watch more sci-fi / anime and play some more World of Warcraft.. ahhhhhh
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
12/27/2004 10:32:00 AM
The Needs of the Many
So Happy Christmas all and all that. Things went pretty well I guess. I've been sick the past week or so and my aunts who are nurses gave me some antibiotics for it. It's interesting that the antibiotics they gave me were Z-Pak which is used for... ear infections. Pneumonia, and well STD's. So... today I'm feeling ear infection free AND I wouldn't have to worry about the clap if I had it. Good job. I spent X-Mas Eve with my bro Panda Thug. We went to Chinatown at around 2am for dinner. He was supposed to go to his cousin's place but he said he wanted to spend some time with me on Xmas Eve, that meant alot to me, thanks bro. Xmas Day itself I spent celebrating in the traditional Jewish Xmas tradition. Chinese food and a movie. Yes.
Yesterday ,,; and I went to Joan's parents' place for dinner. It was nice, can I just say I LOVE her niece and nephew? I got her nephew a pimp fps controller for X-Box which is made for games like Halo 2. He liked it =) And I got her niece a How to Draw Manga book. She draws me pictures, I put them up at work and at home. I can only hope when I have kids someday they turn out like those two =) Thanks to Joan for inviting ,,; and to her parents and family for being so great.
Haruka came and went and now it's possible she may be coming back to stay. There's a lot to think about right there. What am I going to do when my bachelor lifestyle is interrupted! Ahhhh .. oh wait.. I'd be better off what am I talking about. Oh and as an afterthought to my previous post where I changed DH to Haruka, Joan was like what the hell are you talking about I don't have anyone named DH on my blog. So apparently I am just a tool =) Ah well, I like using the name Haruka better anyway.
Ok. So here's my deep thoughts that I've been meaning to post. It seems around the holidays there's more thoughts about religion and life and such. I was raised Catholic (kind of). My parents are both Buddhists, but they sent my older sister and I to Catholic school because they figured it was a better education. Boy were they wrong haha.. to late for a refund *ahem*, anyway so this is my take on life and death. -- I believe that life is all about a journey, a soul's journey. In that journey it's all about learning things. In each time a soul is born and reincarnated, they learn more or work on faults they may have had in a previous life. This accounts to why there are assholes in the world. More than likely they are younger angrier souls who need to go around a couple more times still. That's all very Buddhist in thought but here's the key thing I want to say. In every lifetime you are surrounded with people you know, or knew in a previous lifetime. These kindred spirits that journey with you take on different relationships. For example at one point, this person could have been a friend of mine, a sister, a brother, a mother or a father etc. Titles are not as important as the true meaning of a relationship. I call some of my close friends my brothers because to me, they really are my brothers. It's no one's responsibility but our own to seek out these souls that we already share a bond with in each life time and make sure they are a part of your life again.
Deepest thanks to the people I love and are dear to me in each lifetime.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
12/27/2004 10:16:00 AM
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Kamehameha !
So its occurred to me that Joan uses DH as one of her designations and that I'm using Devil Hunter for one. They are in fact not the same person. In fact if you ask what DH stands for she has a semi amusing story about where that name originated hehe. Hmm I suppose to avoid confusion though Devil Hunter will be renamed to Haruka which is the name of one of the main characters from the anime Rahxephon. I would rename her to Sakura, but over the years I've associated that name with Tallulah, ask her about her Sakura doll I got her years ago hehe.
I think alot of everything and nothing has been going on lately. Saw The Incredibles last night, I have to say the guy who wrote it must have watched alot of Bond movies and sci fi while indulging in comic books as a kid. Overall though, it's pretty great and probably my fav Pixar flick to date.
I'm sooooo slacking right now at work. My boss is out of town for three weeks so I'm just kinda like screw you! while posting on my blog instead of ya know, being productive and all that. I've definitely been playing to much DragonBall Z Boudaki 3for PS2. It's actually the best DBZ fighting game they've made so far hehe.
Let's see so what's coming up..
Having dinner tonight with Tallulah, yay for that =)
Saturday I'm going with Joan to celebrate her Mom's birthday at a fancy country club dealy... glad my suit's still clean from the wedding last week doh!
Sunday.. Haruka is coming to visit for a bit, after that is anyone's guess. Fear the possibility of going to sing Karaoke. I blame Evil Ed for that.
Oh oh and I'm taking the week of December 5th off of work. WOO HOO! It's like an early Xmas gift !
"What we do in life, echoes an eternity" - Maximus, Gladiator
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/30/2004 11:38:00 AM
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Kawaii Na
Wow.. busy past couple of days. At home now been hanging out for a little bit. It's 3:43am right now. Just got done talking with one of the lil bros. 'Panda Thug' is on his way over. We're gonna go hang tomorrow and go to Mitsuwa for lunch and instead of coming out tomorrow he's just going to drive out tonight. Ok let's recap the past couple of days.
Thanksgiving Day - I spent with Joan and her family. Thanks to her and her parents for letting me latch on and for feeding me, hell I still have leftovers.. mmmm.. punkin pie.. yes punkin.
Tallulah and her bf are out of town so that means I've been watching my God Kitties. They're so cute all like FEED ME when I go over to her place hehe.. course then they lay on their backs and are like GIVE ME ATTENTION! So after 45minutes of petting the cats I can go hehe.
Today er well Friday ( technically it's still Friday since I haven't gone to sleep yet ), I went to a co worker/friend's wedding. It was a straight up traditional Chinese Buddhist wedding. It's always interesting to see people being married from different cultures, though in the end the same message is there. Love one another. One of the things the uhhhh reverend guy said was "Marriage does not mean two people become one, rather they still remain two separate individuals that come together in love and love eachother for their differences." Damn.. sniff.. ok I'm better now. The ceremony was actually pretty short. Alot of bell ringing in the beginning (hard to explain) and only about 25 minutes or so of actual talking and vows etc. The reception was pretty fun actually. Work had three tables of people so about maybe 15 or so of us.. leaving the other uhh 350+ people to family and relatives or random Chinese people that wanted a free dinner.. ohmigod I didn't mention.. the dinner was an 11 Course Meal!!! WTF?! 11 courses?! Hell that's more than the number of classes I take per quarter in school. But everything was hella good. Yes I said hella.
I've been talking with Devil Hunter alot lately and I think it's starting to rub off on me.. soon I'll be all West Coast and saying 'hella' and 'hekka' ahhhh noooooo :P She told me she's going to teach me Japanese someday.. that'll be neat, then I can watch anime without subtitles and actually KNOW what they're saying! hehe. Yes.. I'm easily amused I know.
Taking the month of December off of school. They offer a December term which is just the month of December. Classes run 2 days a week and only give 1 credit. Quick thing but I decided to relax and go to Winter Quarter starting in January. Gotta remember to register for that on Monday. Man. School pwns me.
Been gaming a bit again lately just because I've actually had time to breathe and well hey it's cheaper than going out to the bars and all that. List of games I've been playing or have beaten recently;
Halo 2 (Xbox)
Counterstrike:source (PC)
Half Life 2 (PC)
Dead or Alive:ultimate (XBox)
Def Jam Fight for New York (PS2)
So many games.. so little time and money ahhhhhh.
Wow.. hella long post huh? Yes.. I think it is.. ok lil bro should be here soon. Ending this with a lovely phrase.
Anata wa haru ichiban no sakura no yoni utsukushii.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/27/2004 03:39:00 AM
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Gobble Gobble?!
What up ,
So today was the first day of snow in Chicago for this winter season. It's official and I've broken out jacket's bigger warmer self. Lets see three things of note before I head out into the cold to go to school to register for next quarter...
1. First and foremost, Congrats to 'Tallulah Fondue' on being invited to be a company member for a very sweet theatre group in Chicago. Never had a doubt, they were just taking their sweet time is all T =)
2. Intro for 'Devil Hunter' in San Fran. Apparently we're going to go to Japan and conveniently... she speaks Japanese! Sounds like a plan. I'll bring my Nikon and be all like what.. you all do it when you come to the states, stick my tongue out and blow fifty rolls of film =) Of course with DH being a girl.. I don't know if she'll translate " Hoy, where can we go to eat Sushi off of naked chicks?" correctly for me. Here's hoping that it'll happen and we can jet away to the land of the rising sun hmm?
3. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Most of you know as far as holidays go I only have two words. "Man screw that." Did I mention I was never good at math? For reals though everyone enjoy and be safe, and holla at me to come help with leftovers muhahaha.
Think I'm going to take a tip from 'Donovan' and start posting something at the end of my posts. He uses quotes and ya know.. deep things. Me? More song lyrics ahhhhh!
Tallulah this is for you:
Encore - Jay Z
"Now can I get an encore, do you want more
Cookin raw with the Brooklyn boy
So for one last time I need y'all to roar
Now what the hell are you waitin for
After me, there shall be no more
So for one last time, nigga make some noise"
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/24/2004 02:33:00 PM
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Dumb has been freaking out the past couple of times I've tried posting and subsequently has caused me to lose several posts.. lame.
Sooo I had a bunch of stuff I had wanted to post but now since I've slept since then I don't remember what it was.
Meh. Either way. Happy Birthday today ' M '.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/18/2004 03:21:00 PM
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Almost over
Finals are almost over.. then I get a couple weeks off.. then a class for just the month of December.. then January the next quarter starts.. I should prolly go register for classes or something..
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/11/2004 01:13:00 PM
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Boooooo Hsssss
Finals... finals are owning me.. that and my elite slacker nature that makes me not want to work on them.. I just want to sleep. Sleep... and purr.. and sleep some more. Then I'd like to make waffles!.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/03/2004 03:08:00 PM
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Trick or Treat?
Been listening to alot of music lately. Putting together some new compilations and such. I was a DJ in another lifetime I feel. The grey crappy Portland like weather hasn't helped things. Meh.
Earlier tonight carved a pumpkin and I have to say it turned out pretty badass. Now I just need some glowsticks for it.. GLOWSTICKS!!!
So this is one of the songs that's been bugging me as of late.
Somebody' - Depeche Mode ( Though been listening to the Veruca Salt cover )
I want somebody to share
Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side
And give me support
And in return
She'll get my support
She will listen to me
When I want to speak
About the world we live in
And life in general
Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted
She'll hear me out
And won't easily be converted
To my way of thinkingIn fact she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all
She will understand me
Tomorrow I have a class to review finals.. groan.. then I'm supposed to run to the zoo and help with this thing I volunteered for to give candy to kids etc.. it's going to be a long morning.. and a longer afternoon.. holla back.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/30/2004 01:32:00 AM
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
It's never easy
Hmm.. so as of late, well ok for the past couple of years, I've been trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. Working in IT is good for the money but quite honestly it's pretty useless in the big picture of things. If I could I dunno.. work in the Peace Corps and make the same money I do now, that would be pretty sweet. On a silly note, in order to go volunteer for something like that, you have to raise a certain amount of money to go. Now that makes no sense to me. It's like.. hi, I'm willing to give up all my creature comforts, all my choco berry lattes, whatever to go help people.. yet I have to raise an assload of money in order to do so? Good job there. I just want to do something... worthy.
Only 7 more months or so in my lease for my overpriced one bedroom apartment. Can't wait till it's up then I can go get a 2 bedroom or a condo somewhere else for the same amount I'm paying now or less even.
I have all this stuff in life planned.. well not 'all' but a bunch of things. Like.. I know where I want to get married at (kind of)... I know one day I want a daughter and what her name will be, though I'd want a son to I'm sure.
There's a friend of mine I hung out with not to long ago. It gave me great comfort to know that there are still some people in this world that are 'real' . Real meaning.. I dunno.. some people just can give you that sense of Hi.. here I am, this is me and then smile at you.
Yeah. " I got nothin. "
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/27/2004 01:43:00 PM
Thursday, October 21, 2004
So You Want To Be a Ninja
I've been told it's a good thing but at the same time I have to think there are some issues in my psyche to cause this. The majority of the time when I am awake and coherent, I always assess a situation and come up with possible scenarios. Such as.. I enter a room and there's two people in the room. I look at them, size them up and think.. ok.. if I had to fight what could I use as a weapon, how would the fight go etc. On the flipside, I also have to observe my surroundings to try and make sure that there is always an escape route. It's just this natural instinct in me that tells me.. hey.. be ready to fight.. you don't know what could happen.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/21/2004 01:42:00 PM
Monday, October 18, 2004
Last of the Lakotas
Man.. for no real reason or at least all the wrong reasons I've had that line from Last of the Mohicans in my head where dude was all like ," Wherever you go, I WILL Find you!" I mean damn.. that's hard core.
I watched this anime over the weekend, well the movie version of it anyway. I watched the actual 7 DVD series version a couple months ago. And the writing in it is actually really good. If you ever get the chance I HIGHLY recommend this series called Rahxephon. Aside from the fighting and the action.. its funny and what it boils down to.. a love story. Watch it, you'll see what I mean. Just damn.
I haven't gamed much as of late. Mostly because work and school have been owning my soul. It sucks actually but whatever. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up I guess.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/18/2004 08:21:00 PM
Ohmigod Ohmigod Ohmigod
Bouncing off the walls.. running around the office pondering tackling anyone in the aisles.. AHHHH!!! OOF ! . Needless to say, I have a new love in life that rivals even the love I have for ' jacket ' . And that love is.... the 'Choco Berry' latte. Oh. My. God. It's sooooo good. Most coffee shops will have raspberry syrup they can add to coffee. So far I've had it from Caribou which uses white chocolate cocoa, espresso, steamed milk and raspberry and also from Starbucks which uses White Chocolate Mocha, steamed milk, espresso and raspberry syrup. Both of course have whip cream on top and quite possible an extra shot of espresso. I don't care if it sounds like a girly coffee drink or not.. ITS FREAKING GOOD ! Go get some! Do eeet! Do it now!
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/18/2004 10:49:00 AM
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Sport Utility Assholes!
Ok sooo I've been sitting on this rant because I've been lazy pretty much but damn.. this is something that annoys me to no end ! Unless you go off roading on a daily basis or live I dunno.. maybe IN THE BURBS.. there is NO reason you should own or drive an SUV in a densely populated city ! Completely disregarding the whole environmental issues with SUVs I mean cmon.. big ass SUV + people who cannot parallel park = an angry Lakota. Grrrrrrrr. I came home and there was an SUV parked in the spot next to mine.. keep in mine these are paid spots for my apartment building and he doesn't live here... and his big ass truck is halfway in my spot... What's that ? There's a dent in your door? Why I have no idea how that got there!... tools.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/17/2004 08:29:00 PM
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Scars.. what was I thinking?
I have a scar on my wrist. Everytime I look at it I go.. what the hell was I thinking. I only talk about it randomly when people ask me how I got it. It's a rather impressive cut but it's not in the 'correct' direction if it were meant to be a suicide attempt. And no, I'd never do the whole suicide thing because that's just lame and a sign of weakness. I mean sure maybe if an army of zombies was coming at me and I knew they were going to eat my brains.. actually no, even then I'd still be like.. come get some you zombie bitches! Yeah ok.. later.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/13/2004 05:54:00 PM
So I received this comment about my current relationship with my favorite piece of clothing.
Anonymous said...
Quit goofing with your coat, goof :)
It made me laugh at the same time ponder the whole anonymous thing. It makes me start to think.. ohhh.. was it this person or that person or or or... yeah it goes on and on. Only one person I knew ever really said goof but I don't think I gave them this site.. or maybe I have I'm not to sure. Either way that has to be one of the most annoying things about my psyche is that I dwell to much on my past. All the shoulda, coulda, wouldas. Is it from lack of closure ? Or is it simply feeling that maybe in another lifetime some things could have been very different...
Many years ago like.. almost ten I think, I wrote these words and had them on various notebooks or walls around.
If you can't let get of the past,
You can't live in the present,
And there is no future for you.
Funny how sometimes I can be really insightful yet I tend to not listen to myself very much. A friend of mine was saying they were worried about me. It's nice to be worried about I guess. At the same time, I'm just like pfft, there's nothing to worry about. I'm the one that people bring their problems to. I'm the one that listens and offers advice based purely on my own personal beliefs and experiences. By no means do I feel that the things I have to say should carry *that* much weight. Sometimes it's just nice to talk to see who will listen, and to lead to see who will follow.
I sometimes want to talk to a shrink, not because I feel I need to but I'm curious to see if I can outwit them. Maybe play a little 'Survivor' with prozac. There was an Ellen special that was like, "Do you feel sad... do you feel depressed" .. " Yeah I'm alive ! " If a doctor of any kind ever said, hey Dhavid.. I think you're depressed.. I think I'd be like.. oh yeah? Wanna pay off my credit cards for me, get me a better job, and take these college classes for me because I sure won't be depressed after that haha.. tools.
And yes, I am aware I've avoided specific pronouns but there's a certain calming charm to being vague sometimes, no? That whole... what or who is he talking about? When? Where? toyshm? ( no one knows what that means so don't bother guessing ).
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/13/2004 05:40:00 PM
The things we do..
I've always been a firm believer of paying attention to detail and remebering the things people say to you in conversations. You never know when a bit of information that could seem meaningless at the time, can be used to convey sincerity and thoughtfulness.
Trying to live life as 'the good guy' you realize over time that there are certain things you can and cannot do. I had a conversation with a friend of mine over the weekend who was having relationship issues. He wasn't sure really sure what he should do or what he wanted. In all honesty it was like speaking to myself when we were talking. Something he said kind of struck a chord in me though. It was something to the effect of "I want to do the right thing." To which I responded with.. "Sometimes it's not about what you feel is the right thing, but rather what you *want* to do." I'm not exactly sure if that was the best suggestion but I guess it is kind of true. I mean, you can only do so much for the other person before one day you're like.. huh..maybe I should do this or that for myself. And in no way should you feel 'selfish' if you do something for yourself once in awhile.
Man I started this, this morning and been to busy at work to finish it. I'll write more later.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/13/2004 04:39:00 PM
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Looks like the cold front has definitely made itself known in Chicago. Awesome. Kinda..
Because of the cold I of course am able to share my love freely...
I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to knowI
've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over newand the reason is You
sniff.. I LOVE YOU.. -JACKET-
So yeah what else.. I'm going through the corporate version of 'Survivor' right now. Long story, needless to say lots of drama.. Anger.. rising... Unleash the Fury !
It's my lil bro's bday today! Happy B-day Donovan ! Er.. I guess he's 25 so that means he's not little anymore.. but still.. damn.
Oh and last night.. I had my 'Intro the Internet' class. All I can say is.. 1 day of hell for the next 8 weeks. Meh.. guess I'll be blogging at least once a week from there ohhhh good idea!
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/06/2004 11:54:00 AM
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
I Can't Stop Raving I Can't Stop Raving
Let's see not alot of time today but alot on my mind 3 separate non related things actually.
1. Pro Sports - Last night I went to a Cubs game. It was a bit chilly but whatever it was fun. I have come to the conclusion however, that pro sports pisses me off. Here you have these people playing a game they loved to begin with and are getting paid freaking bank to play.. yet here and there they'll be like *whiiiiiine* we want more money! ... All the while there are more important things going on in the world. Like kids going hungry. I mean, props to the athletes that actually try to give back and help with charities like Lance Armstrong and his LiveStrong bracelets, that's pretty cool. But the athletes that just make bank and don't do anything good with that money.. ya'll suck.
2. Americans. People from all over - Now.. if someone said to me... hey, people are in trouble, they need someone to fight for them or to protect them, I would be ready to go on a moments notice. But fighting for profit , greed, or personal gain.. that pisses me off. People who have everything or live in a life of comforts and luxury often forget or intentionally turn a blind eye to those who are not as fortunate. I don't understand why people can't get over their differences. Imagine what we as a race could accomplish if people didn't squabble over land or religion or what have you. People need to learn how to compromise. True you can't make everyone happy all of the time.. but if you're an asshole about things, that won't help. I think I understand why some people from other countries don't generally like Americans so much. I need to win the lottery so I can move to another country. Mmmm.. maybe Australia.. G'day Mate, let's go pick up some Sheilas!
3. Jackets - I have this black Banana Republic mid-length jacket that I feel I like to much. In fact, I'm almost intimate with it. What can I say, we've been through alot together. Slept on many a floors together and huddled for warmth while keeping eachother company. I love you jacket! What can I say.. women have ya know.. shoes.. purses.. whatever.. I have jackets.. oh well and a thing for cars too, but overall jackets are cheaper. It makes me think about when I was younger I used to wear a long black trench coat (yes before The Matrix), with a white smiley face button on the lapel. Pretty harmless. Then there was that incident where some asshole high school kids went on a killing spree and called themselves 'The Trench Coat Mafia'. And for awhile after that people who wore trench coats were shunned. I remember I walked into work a week after the incident and got some stares from people. At that moment I hadn't realized what the big deal was and when I did I was just like.. whatever it's cold piss off!. I mean.. if people went around on a killing spree wearing Abercombie or Tommy clothes, would everyone suddenly stop wearing them?! The North Face Jacket serial killer! ahhhhhhh ruuuuun!... stupid people I swear.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/29/2004 01:44:00 PM
Monday, September 27, 2004
The Things We Do
I'll never understand the human need to kick ourselves or other's when we're down. I know other people do this too, where you may or may not be in a good mood, or hell you may already be hella sad but yet.. you whip out your trendy little iPod and pick the 'I should kill myself' playlist consisting of nothing but depressing love songs. Maybe it's just the need for the extremes instead of just letting things ring a subtle tune. Stabbing Westward lyrics "If I must be lonely, I think I'd rather be alone" , "I am not your savior, I am just as fucked as you".
Right. Enough of that, this is starting to sound like that live journal entry that I linked to in my very first post hehe. It's been a damn week and I'm still sick. Freaking plague needs to get off me. When I was younger, I used to game *alot*. Then I grew out of it and decided it's better to socialize with people in public. Now with full time work / school I'm thinking.. back to gaming it is ! hehe.
This post sucks. Sorry. I'll work on getting something of worth on here when I'm feeling better. Boo.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/27/2004 10:18:00 AM
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
The Plague
Yes.. I seem to have gotten the plague. Maybe I'll be able to spread it to coworkers I don't like. Ah yes.. the brighter side of feeling like crap.
Project due on Friday.. Paper due in oh... sometime tonight. Wow.. this is one of those times where if you say "What else could happen?" Godzilla walks out of the water and trashes your town and lightning strikes you in the same place more than once.
Im mellllllting I'm melllllting .. what a world what a world..
So yeah, I'll post more when I'm not feeling like crap.
- D -
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/22/2004 10:10:00 AM
Thursday, September 16, 2004
The geeky tourist
So the other day after work I went upstairs to the gym with one of my coworkers. She's currently studying for her black belt in TaeKwonDo. So, we were upstairs sparring then afterwards I did some weights whatever. So I'm walking to school after all that and I'm walkin along jamming out to my iPod and about ten minutes later I looked up at the street signs.. my first thought was.. hey wait, that street doesn't belong here? Then I looked around some more and was like.. Where the hell am I ??? .. Apparently I had somehow fallen into a wormhole and walked in a reaaaally big circle and had no clue where I was. So.. like an asshole, I had to ask someone where State and Jackson is. The stranger was kind enough to point me in the right direction. I told him I was a tool and not from his country and thanked him. I don't think he believed me. meh.
Yesterday, I noticed that I still do something in my head that I've done since I was a kid. I think it's caused by having been raised on much sci-fi and anime growing up. Sometimes I measure in my head how tired I am or how much strength I have and I'm all like.. hmm.. Energy at 62%, reserves at 30%. Shields? Weapons? Ahhh most days not so much. Specially with the lack of sleep this week. It's a geeky thing but at least it helps me figure out how much energy I really feel I have for the remainder of the day. What can you learn from this nonsense ? Always keep a reserve... you never know when you need to kick someone in the nuts.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/16/2004 01:35:00 PM
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Uranus is in Retrograde
Ok.. I have to say astrology and all that crap, yes crap, sometimes just annoys me. I have the horoscopes of a couple of different signs setup to show whenever I login to my yahoo. There are often days that it's waaaaaay to accurate. I have to say, most people I know that are a certain sign or other, have lived up to expectations of said sign. Freaking waterbearer my ass. Many times after reading my daily horoscope, I swear I can hear the voice of Bender from Futurama saying " I'm Boned .. "
For example, check out today's delight..
"There's a new game afoot -- maybe one that you hadn't anticipated. Ready or not, you're going to be a major player in it, too. Fortunately, you're a quick study and the rules aren't that hard to learn. Your heart is eager to lead the way, but your head is taking a more logical approach. Listen to what both sides have to say before making your final decision as to which gets to lead. Heck, maybe they could even share the position"
Not as bad as the ones I usually get but still. It translates to haha, suck it up slacker you don't have a choice.
I'm all for believing in fate and destiny, sure.. but I also like to believe that no one is predestined to do anything they don't want to. I don't believe some people are just born bad or born good. It's all about the effort you put into it yourself. If you don't like the way something is going.. then get off your ass and do something about it. Whining never solved anything neither does self pity. Instead, keep your head up and charge forward while grinning and giving whatever gets in your way the finger. Yes. Make it so.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/14/2004 04:22:00 PM
Sonic Implosion
Ok.. this site is just to funny not to share. Damn Asians.. we mod anything with wheels. Hide your shopping carts, they're next !
Make sure to check out the nighttime pictures.. what's up Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
So nothing else really right now. One more week until the rest of the classes start so I'm just slowing biding my time. Not motiviated at all really at work, just kind of like whatever there. Everytime someone's like wow hey I haven't seen you for awhile and they ask.. " What have you been up to ? " The answer's been.. um.. nothing much, you? That's lame. I'd like to be able to answer with something like.. "Well, I became a professional hitman and I was on my way to your place, what are you up to and gimme your wallet chump!."
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/14/2004 01:04:00 PM
Monday, September 13, 2004
The human psyche
So over the weekend I had my first psych class. It's interesting to say that the class is with people mostly older than myself and it leaves me sitting there kinda like... huh. It's obvious that the age difference causes conflicts with the others as they view things very differently from me.. or maybe I view things differently from them. What bothers me about the whole psychology thing is.. pretty much when it comes down to it, everyone in the world has some sort of disorder/disfunction and if you say you're happy or you have no problems, you're just in denial. Wow.. that kinda sucks, eh?
Also saw Resident Evil 2 over the weekend with CallMeJoan and we both observed the numerous kids present with their parents well under the age of 13. It's an ' R ' rated movie.. lots of blood, gore whatever, yet these parents are totally ok with that or couldn't take the time to get a baby sitter? It's no wonder that a lot of kids nowadays are so totally desensitizing to violence and horror. Good job "parents". It just goes to show that any fool can make a baby.
This is the first "full" week of work I'm having in like the past 3 weeks. I can honestly say I am not looking forward to it. I think I got spoiled doing whatever I wanted on the week long vacation I had over the labour day weekend. It's nice to be responsible and be able to pay the bills and all sure, but I feel if I ever won the lottery I'd be one of those people who would do absolutely nothing, just because I could.. at least for a little while. Then I'd have to get back on track on my goal of taking over the world or at least maybe a small island mmm island.
Oh on a sidenote in reference to Ms. Fondue's Arby's Low Carby ad.. mmm Phase 1 starting today again.. meh..
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/13/2004 08:41:00 AM
Friday, September 10, 2004
The triumphant return
I recently went on a road trip with two close friends up to Toronto Canada. It was I guess my last hurrah before returning to a life of full time work and full time school. I learned a couple things on that trip. The most important of all is that it doesn't matter where you are, as long as you have friends you know don't in fact, suck. I also learned, if you decide to go fishing and rent a boat, if they are all out of boats with engines, deciding to rent a row boat is *not* a good idea if you're the only one that will be rowing. Admitedly, it was pretty damn amusing being in the middle of a lake catching nothing but bluegulls (sunfish) and then having to row back and forth to the dock. I was pretty surprised we didn't tip the boat actually.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/10/2004 12:52:00 PM
Peer pressure and the powers of suggestion
So here we are late in 2004. I've had a personal website going for more years than I can remember, have signed up on countless blog sites and never really bothered to post. I think I was mainly turned off from the whole eblogging thing by livejournal. This explains how I usually feel about blogs. But well, I'm jumping on the bandwagon with some others who recently started keeping blogs. Why not, eh?
Anyway I'm still undecided if I'm going to post here on a daily basis or not. I'm sure that I'll probably get bored enough and my mundane corporate job to post so here's a couple of things I can guarantee you will not see in this blog.
- Big words that you need to look up in a dictionary to understand. ( I mean seriously. This isn't something you should read and have a brain cramp on afterwards
- Porn.
- Me trying to push my beliefs on others. ( Though I'm sure I'll be able to argue some points. Like how I feel a sail boat is simply not fast enough to pull someone on water skis.
- Any sort of order or structure... though I am using bullet points right now.. damn you corporate world give me my soul back !
- Proper punctuation and proper grammar. ( This isn't a freaking term paper, get off me )
Ah well.. back to work for a little bit.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
9/10/2004 12:50:00 PM