Friday, November 06, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Another reboot?
So given with the years I've done IT or IT-like work (over 10) and the fact that I dont feel fulfilled at all I've decided to stick with the whole giving up IT thing this time and have been punishing myself at the gym these past few weeks and I have many more weeks / months to go to get into shape for the POWER test. The POWER test is the one used by many police departments to see if you're physically fit to apply for a job.
The way I look at it is if I don't get to be a cop, at least I'll be in good shape for when the zombies rise and I have to kill them all!
Other than that, things have been pretty mundane. Today I left work for lunch and grabbed food for myself and Rei. Went to her work to eat with her and as we're eating.. I look at what she's wearing then at what I'm wearing.. both wearing grey pants and black shits.. with black shoes. I was like.. damn.. we're *that* couple aren't we?
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
4/09/2009 02:52:00 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day all! Thanks for the Birthday Wishes as well. This was a video a friend of mine sent me it's so cute :)
I'll try to be better about posting as I received some complaints about that.. my bad.
So yes.. not today though I must go forth and find adventure and glory! hehe.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
2/14/2009 01:07:00 PM
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
That's a nice twist
Wow. Christmas shopping is hard especially when you don't have as high of a budget as you'd like to have. I've been leaning towards a certain 'theme' for buying gifts for people this year at the same time, it's hard because I've sort of set this expectation on myself for certain things for certain people... yeah.
It's cold here. A friend of mine from San Diego asked the other night.. is it snowing there? HA! Ha I say to you who lives in nice weather year round. Miss the snow? Pfft.. you can come shovel the driveway here while I go to the beach there. Deal? Sweet.
Well.. I'm going back to looking up things I can't afford to buy people this year :/
Oh and did you know..
"The "twist" is an important symbol in New Zealand's native Maori culture, and represents the many paths of life and love. Maori culture regards the green jade "twist" as the original eternity symbol, depicting the joining together of two people forever. Though the two may sometimes move away from each other on their own journeys, they always come together again, sharing their lives and blending to become one."
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
12/09/2008 06:18:00 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Rubbing my rabbit's foot.. wait that's not a rabbit?!
So the above picture kind of describes daily life cept it leaves out the part where I actually make efforts to see my girlfriend and friends whenever possible as well. Couple of things.
First, it's a Happy Birthday to Deb Flynn aka Keely's Mom. Having known Keely for uh.. 14+ years I've been hearing about her Mom for a long time :) All good things of course!
Second. I've gotten over the latest strain of ebola that hit me this past week. Still in recovery but I am no longer feeling like the Outbreak Monkey again.
Third. I had an interview at work for another position yesterday. I got all dressed up, put on a tie and all that, got to work and the manager of said group I'm interviewing for was like.. you know this is a phone interview right? .. Awesome.. video conference please? Jeez way to steal my thunder, guy.
Other than that.. so much the same so much to do.
- Nat
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
11/22/2008 05:48:00 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I know this, much is true
Have you ever had random songs stuck in your head? I know you have don't lie. So I'm sitting here at work.. trying to multitask between work related stuff and well... not so work related stuff. And in between typing and email and talking on the phone.. I have Spandu Ballet on repeat in my head. It's kind of odd actually. I want to blame this on being a child from the 80s and not impede on my manliness..
Let's see.. where am I at? Last weekend I went wit Rachael on a college tour. It was pretty cool and I'm hoping she does go there but it brings up the question of... where are we going to live? So that's going to come up when it does. In the meantime we have a year or two to decide on that, but we also have to start looking for a place in the near future. The bad part is.. who wants to move in the winter? I mean really. Even if I do get movers to get my stuff out of storage.. that sucks.
Oh.. right big news is that I think I might be totally debt free.. OMG OMG OMG.. it's been a LONG time since I could say that. The bad side is that my credit's kinda jacked up right now but that'll be fixed in time. So here's to saving money for the future and all that stuff.. and maybe randomly going to the casino.. and playing poker with people... but still... yay :)
Kind of sad I'm working tomorrow so no Halloween for me. I could go out after work at 11 something at night but I still have to be back here on Saturday. Tis the life of a contractor. I've heard rumors that I may be converted to a fulltime employe at the end of November but I won't believe it until I hear an offer.
Alright.. I should do some work. I hope everyone is well.. all like 2 people or so who read this blog hehe..
Right, last random note... man.. being on facebook and/or myspace.. it scares me sometimes how random people hit you up and you're like wow.. you're still alive or not in jail? What? You're married with like 5 kids? Yeah... wow.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/30/2008 05:36:00 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sometimes it's better not to know.
There are times that work is slow. (The IT job). During this time.. I'll gaff off, maybe read a book, watch stuff on hulu / youtube or play some flash games, maybe just surf the internet in general. The other day I was reasonably bored so I decided to be all nostalgic and decided to cyberstalk.. I mean, look up people I used to know. One person I looked up in general I learned died in 2000. I was a bit disturbed by this and find that days later I'm still wanting to know what happened. What good can it do to find out 8 years later? Absolutely nothing.. and I know this. And it's not like we parted on good terms since I knew her back in what.. High School? But still.. on some level it saddens me. Sometimes the need to know is best left alone I think.
Posted by
Nat Thongchai
10/10/2008 04:48:00 PM